True Twin Flames: When No Proof is the Proof

Sharing a little-known fact that only those who are awakened can understand.

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame


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If you have awakened, you won’t want to, nor will you feel a desperate need to know if you have awakened.

Just like if you meet your twin flame, you won’t desperately want to know if they are your other half.

I see many people who want to verify this, but the truth is, when you believe internally, external validation will automatically manifest, and it will keep happening repeatedly.

For example, the synchronicity events between you two don’t need to be worried about. Once verified, you don’t need to worry if it will still be true in a few days.

For instance, once you’ve awakened, you realize the world is like a code. You think of something, and suddenly everyone around you is doing that thing.

Not just one person, but a whole chain of people are thinking the same thing as you, talking about the same topics, and encountering similar issues as you.

This is because the world operates in a lawful, patterned way. You can think of it as a matrix.



Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.