Twin Flame Communication: the Arrival of June

What Pain Brings Us

Elara Gemini
Twin Flame
3 min readMay 29, 2024


Pain is the prerequisite for change and the herald of bright moments. When facing the pain in the twin flame journey, we must learn to distinguish between true twin flame pain and false twin flame pain. Both bring us great helplessness, but their causes are very different.

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Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

True Twin Flame Pain

True twin flame pain arises from temporary over-focus on the other person. It doesn’t last long and, after effective communication, this phase will pass (although it may reoccur).

There is no need to overly concern ourselves with these pains. Regardless of which party it is, once they realize that the material world is just a projection of consciousness, the pain will immediately disappear. This inner release drives the development of the material world.

False Twin Flame Pain

False twin flame pain often brings a sense of relief afterward, a feeling of finally being able to return to oneself, knowing that leaving the other person is the right choice (yet not leaving due to some benefits). In that relationship, one can never truly be oneself.

No Separation in True Twin Flames

In true twin flames, there is no “separation” or “cutting off contact.” Once they meet, it signifies unity. On the path of continued growth, there will be some hurdles and scripts for reclaiming energy, hence temporarily experiencing some pain. This pain is simply the energy not yet reclaimed from the past. This time, you just need to face it.

On the other hand, those who are not true twin flames often behave childishly, saying things like “cutting off contact,” “humph, I don’t care about him,” “he just came to hurt me,” “I don’t need him,” and other self-soothing statements.

The True Importance of the Twin Flame Concept

The concept of twin flames is not really important, nor are terms like awakening, enlightenment, or unity. The key is whether you are in the present moment. Are you in the present moment? Are you enjoying the moment, or are you always trying to escape it, chasing an illusory future? No matter what grand names it is given, if it’s false, it’s invalid. Therefore, sincerely awaken everyone who has awakened and then fallen asleep again. Love yourself, and those who love you will naturally come to you.

Recommended Energy Crystals

Rosophia: Balances the heart chakra, brings selfless and fearless spiritual love, enhances the ability to feel love in the real world, and helps alleviate anxiety and mental disturbances.

Lepidolite: Benefits the heart chakra, aids women, helps with hormone secretion, brings a youthful appearance, assists with desires and compulsive behaviors, and helps with stress-related symptoms.

Update 2024.07.03

I can no longer publish paywall stories on Medium due to regional restrictions, which has halted my income from Medium, which used to be between $20-$50 per day.

My website ( has also not been monetized with ads and is non-profit. I have considered selling good products that could help with the twin flame journey, but I have not yet received inspiration or guidance from the universe.

Currently, hundreds of people read my articles daily, and I receive notifications of highlighted articles and additions to reading lists via email. Occasionally, I also receive touching messages from people who find strength in these articles.

I hope to continue operating and providing support and motivation for our twin flame journey. I will continue updating and maintaining the non-profit nature of the site, sharing valuable twin flame information with our beloved community. However, the update frequency may decrease as I need to allocate time to generate income.

Support me on Ko-fi to keep the updates coming! Love you!



Elara Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame, writers needed! Happy Twin Flame Journey: