Twin Flames: If the Divine Masculine awakens, the “Divine Masculine” will no longer exist

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2024
Photo by Tiraya Adam on Unsplash

Many people ask what happens when the Divine Masculine awakens.

Everyone’s energy is different, so the presented state is unpredictable and depends on each person’s unique energy.

It’s not a one-size-fits-all process.

However, if such a phenomenon occurs, congratulations! This is actually a composite energy they exhibit during awakening.

Finding a twin flame is not a prerequisite for masculine energy awakening.

In the twin flame journey, everything goes through our blocked pathways and emotions.

We understand what emotions and needs we lack when balancing our inner masculine and feminine.

Energy progression varies based on our gender.

We assume that, as humans on this blue planet, our inner masculine and feminine energies are out of balance.

This situation will reflect in our relationships and careers over the years.

If we are female, our inner masculine energy drives us to be action-orientated and more logical.

One quality of energy is the ability to set aside emotions and abstractions.

If we are male, our inner feminine energy places us in a passive state, making decisions based on our emotions and waiting to act.

This is one reason why many Divine Masculins appear to be relatively passive during their journey.

If we are assigned more feminine energy during the journey, we need to gain experience in feminine energy matters.

If we are assigned more masculine energy during the journey, we need to gain experience in masculine energy matters.

Keywords for masculine energy include: do, plan, initiate, act, give, dedicate, courage, bravery, pioneer, create, protect, flatter, please, serve, and embody more femininity or masculinity, etc.

Feminine energy encompasses various characteristics such as enjoyment, passiveness, responsiveness, adaptability, warmth, willingness to share without taking initiative. It also encompasses feelings, trust, mystery, cooperation, accepting help or service, and naturally radiating attraction, even when it’s not deliberate.

Most women use masculine energy when performing tasks.

They only tap into feminine energy when enjoying experiences and accepting help from others (which they believe they need).

Masculine energy desires feminine energy’s spirituality, beauty, and warmth.

Inspiring yin and yang energies among ordinary people is a challenging task, as it requires stepping outside your comfort zone.

Twin flames, however, will directly impact you, forcing you to look inward.

This leads to continuous energy adjustments.

Greed, control, manipulation, suppression, doubt, etc. — these are all negative aspects of masculine energy.

Among these, doubt, which seems the least harmful, actually carries the same destructive potential as the other terms.

It is equally significant across the energy spectrum.

Only in a balanced energy state do all limitations vanish.

For masculine energy, exploring emotions on the twin flame journey can be a challenge.

Divine masculines often live in a certain bubble.

Most Divine Masculinines don’t even have the space or time to notice their emotions.

When I speak of the Divine Masculine, I am not referring only to those living in male bodies.

I know many women who possess masculine energy and are busy with many things in the material world.

Divine masculine energy accepts any emotions that slow them down and are beyond their control, which means they have accepted their “powerlessness.”

Everything you do reflects your Divine Masculine energy!

I’m talking about your inner masculinity.

When your masculine energy is activated, you become the embodiment of Shiva and Shakti.

As Shiva’s energy, you remain detached and neutral to everything; everything begins to fall into place, and you start to receive everything you have always dreamed of.

As Shakti, you feel whole, honour your femininity, and you are no longer manipulated by yourself, others, or collective energy, nor do you maintain excessively high boundaries.

When this energy transformation occurs within you, your external masculine energy will also undergo a shift.

Ego death is the key to unity!

The classic phase of ego death is reffered to the dark night of the soul.

This ego death happens for a reason: it precisely leads you into higher consciousness and expands your awareness.

Many people do not understand the true essence of this phase.

This phase is about letting go of self and entering a deep love journey where there is no he, she, or they — only “we.”

No matter how it manifests in 3D or the matrix, please believe in the divinity of this love.

The purity of this love.

If you believe in the purity of this journey, it will eventually manifest in physical reality — maybe not today, tomorrow, or next month, but at the divinely appointed time, it will.

Thus, there is no he/he, she/she, they/they — only us.

Reunion begins with ego death.



Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.