Waves of Twin Flames — Mind Game?

Twin Soul Ascension (Geet-Mirror Soul)
Twin Flame
Published in
2 min read2 days ago
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

In the twin flame community, there are these waves of twins and these concepts have different opinions regarding meeting, awakening, reunion, and purpose of twin flames.

I personally first encountered my twin at the age of 13 and we are just 5 months apart age wise. We separated, we reunited, we again got activated into the journey, again separated, again reunited a few months back. So, I have particularly not given so much head and mind into these waves since my activation into this journey.

There’s a whole lot of concepts about twin flames and attaching yourself to these concepts is not gonna help you anywhere in the journey. Again, these are all just opinions and unique to every twin couple.

All that I have soulfully believed in this journey was and I still hold this belief that God wouldn’t have brought us together in the physical plane if we are not meant to be reunited. As we all know this journey is no less than a near death experience. If we had to go through this pain of near death experience, our reunion is surely written in stars.

I always had this faith in mind, before I leave this physical body, I will surely see him again. After the reunion, we still haven’t met though we stay only 6 to 7kms away since the universe pushed me to his city and the place where he lives. Now, that we have walked this path to a certain extent, we know holding expectations and attachments would only keep us looped. So I have left it to the divine to decide when we would be physically meeting.

Anyway, what I want to insist upon here is, pls don’t attach yourself to these concepts of waves and period of awakening. This is a complete soul journey, nothing is involved here except you, your divine masculine, and the divine.

In the Shiva Purana, it is written to attach yourself to God, because attachment to him alone can detach you from the concepts, theories, people, etc.

I find all these waves as a mind game, this journey can only be tread through the soul.

Stay Blessed in your sovereignty.



Twin Soul Ascension (Geet-Mirror Soul)
Twin Flame

Awakened Feminine on Alchemical Journey, Psychotherapist, Trauma Researcher