Write for Twin Flame

Vision, mission and submission guidelines

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame
8 min readJul 18, 2024


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This is a friend link for free reading. Thanks for your support.


At Twin Flame, we are dedicated to providing education, guidance, experience sharing, and an interactive community for all who believe in true love.

We are committed to showing people the essence of twin flames and love, simplifying concepts to help people understand their subjectivity, and realize that they are the center of all external objects they create, including their soulmate, who is also a part of themselves, created by their inner beliefs.

We aim to let people deeply recognize and believe that loving oneself is the core and origin of everything. When we truly love ourselves, the light we emit is enough to illuminate the entire world.

Our publication is a home for both authors and readers, catering to those on their twin flame journey and those seeking to discover another version of themselves in the world.

Our goal is to help people understand the essence of twin flames, going beyond the concept to see a deeper truth.

The truth is simple:

Your twin flame is another version of you in the world.

When you truly start to love yourself, another version of you will appear in your life;

When you stop criticizing yourself and believe that you are completely worthy of being loved, you will start to feel another version of you loving you unconditionally;

He/She is a mirror image of you, your inner heart, a projection created by your inner beliefs;

Thus, he/she is spiritually absolutely compatible with you, presenting all your desires;

Also presenting all your shadows (hence usually experiencing dark moments).

Interacting with your twin flame is also the simplest:

Be yourself.

Completely be yourself.

Be your truest self.

You don’t need to think about how to get along better with your twin flame;

You don’t need to try to solve any “problems” between you;

During any tough times, return to your inner self and ask: Am I loving myself well?

In every moment with your twin flame, just let go;

When you have no issues with your relationship with yourself, everything external will change miraculously;

Magical synchronicities will keep happening, and the difficulties you thought were unsolvable will be miraculously resolved without any effort from you.


The twin flame journey is a journey of self-discovery, of completely falling in love with oneself, of fully understanding oneself and self-growth.

Your relationship with yourself is the easiest in the world.


If you agree with this, welcome to become a writer for Twin Flame.

We welcome all articles that provide real twin flame experiences, unique insights into twin flames, love, and relationships;

We also welcome you to share real stories that you believe will resonate with readers and provide them with valuable references.

Themes we welcome:

Twin flames,

Love and relationships,

Self-love, self-discovery, self-improvement.

We will not publish articles filled with metaphysical concepts or those with too many mystical and occult views.

Although I am also an explorer of the spiritual realm and a lover of mysticism, this publication aims to simplify Twin Flame, not complicate it.

There is already too much content that complicates and mystifies the concept of twin flames; too many “masters” have added a mystical aura to this term, creating an illusion that only they understand and can solve problems, which is self-serving; I will not welcome any such people to write here.

I hope all writers joining Twin Flame publication voluntarily undertake this mission:

To simplify the concept of love and twin flames in the collective consciousness of humanity, making people believe that true love is very simple, and everyone can easily meet and be with their true love.

We’re not interested in articles that tell people how to live their lives, how to love their loves. Instead, we want writers to share their own experiences and show readers how they’ve navigated their twin flame journeys.

Inspirational articles filled with spirituality, beautiful sparks, and positive energy are also welcomed here.

If you want to write for us, read the rules and follow the instructions found below.


1] Read our vision and mission carefully, and make sure you agree with them.

You believe in twin flames and true love, believe that everyone has the ability to love others unconditionally and deserves to be loved unconditionally.

You are willing to express your most sincere voice;

You are willing to listen to and understand the friends in this community;

You are willing to have sincere exchanges and interactions with the people in this community.

You are willing to pass on positive and encouraging energy to the friends in this community.

2] Have a premium membership

Every writer gains economic returns through mutual support in the community, which is crucial for the development of this community;

The construction of a material foundation is also the cornerstone of self-development and spiritual pursuit, and this community encourages everyone to seek progress in a down-to-earth manner, using practical methods to give and receive love;

Being down-to-earth is also the Twin Flame philosophy I hope to build;

Indulging in illusory fantasies only satisfies our short-term happiness;

The true union of twin flames must be built on an honest facing of the present and the 3D world, being ruthlessly real with oneself, not allowing any deception.

3] For readers without membership and those who wish to share their twin flame stories

For readers without membership, I will specifically open a post to build a reader community where everyone can share their twin flame stories in the comments section.

I highly encourage this, through such small actions, we can gain infinite support and positive energy.

Everyone in this community is very friendly and good at giving the gentlest support.

If you believe your twin flame journey is inspiring and can provide energy and motivation to others from your journey and insights, I highly encourage you to write your story, open a membership, and submit it to our publication.

I strongly suggest that after opening a membership, put the article behind a paywall and post a free reading friend link. This way, everyone can benefit from your sharing, and because of your loving actions, you will receive a lot of positive feedback, and the economic returns you get will soon exceed the cost of opening a membership, believe me.

Love and energy will flow through your actions, and money is also a way of energy flow.

In the Twin Flame community, I encourage this philosophy of facing the real world.

4] Write in an authentic voice and respect Medium’s rules of conduct

Share your experiences and insights, not knowledge acquired from elsewhere.

We have professional SEO people to drive Google traffic to our publication with free content. In the first two months, Twin Flame achieved over 20k reads.

So you only need to share the most sincere content, and readers will naturally be attracted to you.

11.9k reads in June Captured by Elara Gemini

Only accept content on these themes, no restrictions on the genre:

Twin flames


Personal experiences on love and relationships

Personal growth and enlightenment experiences

No articles that exploit people’s negative emotions to attract clicks, such as spreading fear, anxiety, etc.;

Articles with obvious formatting and grammar issues will not be published. The first time, I will leave you a message. If you repeatedly submit content with obvious grammar and formatting issues, you will be removed from the writer list.

If your story is your real experience and insight, I promise it will be published within 72 hours, and I will try to publish it within 24 hours.

5] Zero tolerance for public conflict

Any content and comments that provoke arguments or violence are prohibited.

4. How to become our writer

1] Follow our publication Twin Flame, This step is essential.

I’ll be happy if you follow me too, It’s up to you.

[2] Read this article until the end. Make sure you agree with our philosophy.

This step is essential, too.

[3] Leave a comment on this post requesting to become a writer for our publication.

Also, leave your profile (e.g., @yolkgemini) and why you want to write for Twin Flame.

This is the editor Yolk Gemini. Glad to meet you! Designed by Author with Canva

I want to understand you through brief words.

What I want to build is a community where everyone grows and progresses together on the same frequency, so I hope everyone has the most basic mutual understanding.

Be clear in your intent to join us when you post your comment.

5. A simple reader exchange community.

I want to make a community that is simplified, but where everyone retains their enthusiasm, to share everyone’s twin flame stories and support each other.

If you don’t want to become a writer for Twin Flame but have your unique experiences and insights to share, you can leave a comment on this post, express what you want to say in the comments.

Everyone can leave comments to share their stories. I will keep this article pinned in the Twin Flame publication.

We are a community that supports each other, and everyone can provide positive energy to each other, passing on love and support.

I will regularly quote some of the most resonant comments into the main text of the article (for example, once a month).

Thank you for your reading and support.

This is my first time starting a publication. If you have any comments or suggestions, please leave a comment or email me: yolkgemini@gmail.com. I will open my heart to listen and learn sincerely.

Grateful for our encounter!

Thank you for all the motivation you’ve given me over the years, your encouragement is what keeps me writing at Medium and growing this publication. You are my angels and dearest friends! Gemini May Emy Knazovic Diana C. Derek Morgan

Writers in Twin Flame community: Derek Morgan Savannah Rose Theodore McDowell Brenda Long Gemini May Ryleejo Shari Dworkin-Smith; Psychic Medium Libby Shively McAvoy Lisa Morgan zizi majid Regina Gem Blackthorn Kamal O. Touhami Tomas Matt Appleby Twin Soul Ascension (Geet-Mirror Soul) Lee Byrd Nicolejohnson Ted Burton H. Agmen Linh Huynh Sogand Nobahar Mdhnmjh H. Agmen Shoneeka Cindy V P. D. Reader Pavan kumar Nourabozo BarboraAfrica Joyobeghe Meljazz Rasim Avci Lilian Crystal Power Flow CM Writes Titus Maxus timothee prescott sherlock Twin Flame Collective Ella You have been added as a Writer for Twin Flame. If you are still unable to submit, please leave a message.



Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.