4 Signs of Twin Flame Love

Do you know what true love is?

Emily Jennings
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2023


Twin Flame lovers
Image credit: Canva

You may think you know what love is, but when you meet a twin flame, your idea of the concept is heightened. You realize that all relationships before this one were not about the true concept of love — although they could have been genuine attempts. If you don’t know what it is, you can’t be expected to know what to look for.

Relationships often feel transactional, founded on lust, coming from a place of hurt, or based on something other than the deepest connection of the soul. But until you’ve met someone in the physical who has been with you energetically all the time, you can’t know what it feels like.

This person has been with you closely through countless lives on Earth and is a total mirror of your soul. There is an incredible feeling of familiarity between you. It knocks you off your feet.

Twin flames awaken each other’s hearts and remind each other that there are stories we’re part of that are far bigger than just us. It’s impossible to deny the connection with this person and trust me, there will be many times you wish you could. Your soul knows the truth — we cannot deny true love, even when it’s painful.

1. Soul Connections



Emily Jennings

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