My Twin Flame Died and I’m Still Here
I didn’t believe I could make it this far.
A few years ago, the love of my life died suddenly. I never saw it coming. I’d only met him a few months before it happened.
He seemed to be able to look right into the depths of my soul and his presence made me feel at ease. I felt that I had reached the summit of spiritual wisdom and my weary search for meaning was over. It was beyond romance, as I had found my cosmic best friend — someone who it seemed I had known for thousands of years. He was my twin flame.
When we were together, the darkness was illuminated and I was whole. A new day was dawning in my life that seemed so difficult until then. Anything was possible. And then he was gone. I thought, “What am I supposed to do with my life now?” as a spiritual rug seemed to be pulled out from under my feet. It was like I had died. Nothing after this could ever be that hard. It was a long road back to the light.
I had fallen apart. All of that hopeful, expansive energy I had when I met him had disappeared. I was lost, falling on my knees over and over again in the face of the truth of human existence. I was humbled by the workings of the universe and tried over and over again to bargain with the great intelligence we often call God. Heavy darkness descended upon my life. I didn’t…