The Spiritual Journey of Twin Flames

Newsletter #5

Emily Jennings
Twin Flames
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2 min readFeb 9, 2024


Dear Readers,

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how many people focus on the goal of “union” with their twin flame. I don’t think this is a helpful or productive endeavor, and it also keeps you living from the ego level, not the soul level. But this experience is about living on the soul level.

We have to keep awareness of the journey of the self through the twin flame experience. This is your soul’s path and it’s about your own spiritual awakening. Keeping your focus on the other person and trying to get them to be “with” you is not the spiritual goal of this event in your life. It’s about shifting the focus to yourself.

The following updates and writing selections will help you understand this further. Thanks for following my newsletter!

-Emily (Emily Jennings)

Twin Flame Healing Meditation Course

I am offering the Twin Flame Healing Meditation Course again starting February 22nd. Heal and understand the self through this difficult experience with others on the same path. Register today!

Register for the Twin Flame Healing Meditation Course!

Twin Flame Support Group

The Twin Flame Support Group is a membership group with interactive Zoom meetings and an active Discord community. Consider joining us!

Schedule a Session

Looking for guidance on this crazy journey? I offer twin flame coaching sessions and also tarot readings. Book a session with me today.

The divine in me recognizes the divine in you.



Emily Jennings
Twin Flames

Wellness & Oneness, Consciousness, Spiritual Enlightenment, Twin Flames, and a Little Bit of Silliness | IG: @wellness_oneness |