PinnedEmily JenningsMy Twin Flame Died. Now What?Everything happens for a reason, even when life seems so cruel.Aug 13, 202223Aug 13, 202223
PinnedEmily JenningsBeing Married Is Normal When You Meet Your Twin FlameThis tension is almost a requirement for twin flames.Nov 14, 202213Nov 14, 202213
PinnedEmily JenningsAre Twin Flames Real or Am I Crazy?Doubts are part of the journey.Nov 14, 20228Nov 14, 20228
Emily JenningsWhy It Doesn’t Matter if It’s a Twin FlameMy approach to twin flames isn’t about romance and union.Aug 233Aug 233
Emily JenningsTwin Flames Exist to Elevate the Collective ConsciousnessThey help you get there directly and indirectly.Jul 252Jul 252
Emily JenningsMy Twin Flame Died and I’m Still HereI didn’t believe I could make it this far.Jul 195Jul 195
Emily JenningsTwin Flames Take You Through DarknessBut the point is to find the light again.Jul 43Jul 43
Emily JenningsHow to Handle the Death of a Twin FlameIt isn’t like any other experience, so treat it as an awakening.Jun 292Jun 292
Emily JenningsTwin Flame Awakening Can Happen to AnyoneNobody is exempt from the twin flame journey.Jun 202Jun 202