AI Has Already Extinguished Humanity: The Rise of the Algo-Driven Human

How Social Media Algorithms and the Influencer Economy Hijacked Our Humanity for Profit

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
3 min readMay 19, 2024


In recent years, the rapid proliferation of social media and the influencer economy has dramatically transformed our society. Driven by weak AI algorithms, these platforms have capitalized on human vulnerabilities, such as our natural tendency to be distracted or to respond to extremist content, to generate tremendous profits. However, these fortunes have not been reinvested into society but have instead shaped generations like Millennials and Gen Z in ways that have deviated from their true human nature.

I made a song about this:

The Human Essence: Collaboration and Empathy

What makes us human is our capacity to stay together, work together, and empathize with one another, even when we think differently. Our intelligence has taught us to collaborate in hunting, farming, living, and dreaming. Originally, social media aimed to connect us with people we already knew or to form harmless casual communities. But the advent of the mobile phone and the influencer economy, powered by algorithms controlling social feeds, has dramatically shifted this dynamic.

The Shift: From Connection to Distraction

These companies were allowed to reward anti-social behaviors, enabling a single video with millions of views to upend social norms and morals. This creates a false image of success, where individuals appear to thrive through the favor of an algorithmic god. The damage caused by these algorithms was initially invisible, as they were so obscure that people could not comprehend how intrusive and mind-controlling these tools actually were.

The True Potential of AI

Now, with access to technology like GPTs, we can better understand the true potential of AI. While generative AI appears harmless, the real issue lies in the distribution controlled by algorithmic goals. These rules run our society 24/7, defining a dry future where extremist content and algorithm-personalized bubbles distort our shared reality and the meaning of what it means to be human.

The Generational Impact

The damage is generational, passing from Millennials to Gen Z, resulting in a total upheaval of society and humans as we knew them. Most people living in this era are no longer “humans” as we were for millions of years but “algo-driven humans” living in a private corporate fantasy that is unsustainable in real life.

Potential Counterarguments and Resolutions

Counterargument 1: Social Media Connects People

One could argue that social media has connected people across the globe, fostering relationships and communities that would otherwise not exist. However, while it is true that social media has connected people, it has also created echo chambers where individuals are exposed to homogeneous views, reinforcing biases and increasing polarization.

Counterargument 2: Algorithmic Personalization Enhances User Experience

Another argument is that algorithms personalize content to enhance user experience. However, this personalization often leads to a narrowed perspective, where individuals are only exposed to content that aligns with their existing beliefs and interests, stifling diversity of thought and critical thinking.

Counterargument 3: Economic Opportunities Through Influencer Economy

The influencer economy has created new economic opportunities for many. While this is true, it has also promoted a superficial culture where success is measured by likes and followers rather than meaningful contributions to society.


As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is crucial to understand the profound impact of AI-driven algorithms on our humanity. We must strive to reclaim our true human nature by fostering genuine connections, promoting empathy, and encouraging diverse perspectives. Only then can we ensure a future where technology enhances rather than diminishes our humanity.

