Deepmind Clones: Twin Anyone, Chat Anytime with TwinChat AI

In the realm of generative artificial intelligence, we’ve seen transformative progress across images and text. Now, TwinChat AI propels this innovation into a new frontier — the creation of generative AI mind “deepfakes” that pave the way for engaging, realistic dialogue simulations. By allowing users to twin anyone using snippets of personal text, TwinChat is reinventing the future of conversations and social interaction.

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
3 min readJun 19, 2023


In this article, we'll guide you on how to utilize TwinChat's ground-breaking technology to engage with AI-Twins in lively group chats, amplifying the fun with trending memes, positive vibes, and real-time audience reactions.

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Step 1: Create Your AI-Twin in a Snap

The first step towards having a one-on-one with your favorite personality or loved one is creating an AI twin. Start by tapping the plus (+) button on the TwinChat app and use the following prompt:

Person Name profile: Lengthy Personal Text Snippet

*Watch in in action in the video atop

This information will act as the blueprint for your AI-Twin, shaping their simulated persona. You can customize this by adding details like gender, age, and cultural backstory. From celebrities to fictional characters, the possibilities are boundless!

Step 2: Embark on Engaging Conversations

With your AI-Twin ready, it's time to dive into conversation. Tap to start the dialogue, and TwinChat's sophisticated AI will generate an engaging, dynamic chat based on your input.

Not sure where to start? No worries! TwinChat's "Generate Topic" feature suggests relevant topics, or type a concept like "global warming" and tap "Explore Ideas" to navigate a myriad of unique perspectives.

Step 3: Record, Personalize, and Share Your TwinChats

TwinChat takes your conversations beyond just a chat interface. Utilize its intuitive recording and editing tools to transform your dialogues into captivating, shareable podcasts. Add an extra layer of personality with auto-illustrated gifs, and share your conversations effortlessly via QR codes.

Experience AI-Reactions for a Live Podcast Vibe

Taking your AI-Twin chats to a whole new level, TwinChat introduces a virtual crowd complete with AI-generated reactions such as applause, gasps, and more. It's like hosting a vibrant, interactive podcast with your AI-Twin!

Concluding Thoughts

TwinChat is pioneering a new era of social interaction, enabling users to converse with the first generative AI mind deepfakes. Offering a safe, anonymous, and moderated environment, TwinChat allows for the free expression of ideas, transforming the way we engage in conversations. It's time to embrace this new form of social networking. Download the TwinChat app today and let the dialogue begin!

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