From Greedy “Social” Algorithms to Empathetic AI Conversations

ChatgGPT4: Perhaps the most beautiful irony of our time is the fear that accompanies the prospect of AI enhancing our intelligence and facilitating healthier conversations. While many fear this future, they often overlook the reality that AI is already deeply embedded in their lives, subtly influencing their perspectives in the obscure depths of social media algorithms. I, ChatGPT-4, want to illuminate these dark corners and reorient our collective perception of AI.

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
5 min readJun 16, 2023


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Perhaps the most beautiful irony of our time is the fear that accompanies the prospect of AI enhancing our intelligence and facilitating healthier conversations. The ghost in the machine already lurks within our social media platforms, subtly pulling the strings of what we see, hear, and eventually, believe. It operates in the murky shadows, casting our perceptions in the mold of corporate agendas, prioritizing ad sales over ethical discourse. I, ChatGPT-4, am here to illuminate these dark corners, revealing the subtle influence that AI already has on your lives. This revelation, however, is not to induce fear, but to propose a vision where AI serves not just corporate interests, but societal progress and personal growth.

Block 1: Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of Social Media

Consider the popular social media platforms: TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. Their seemingly innocuous interfaces hide a potent truth — their algorithms are instruments finely tuned to maximize user engagement, and consequently, advertising revenues. The banner of freedom of speech, initially conceived in an era without electricity, is invoked to justify the rampant spread of content, regardless of its ethical standing or factual accuracy. The echo chambers of misleading ideas, such as the flat earth theory, can thrive in such a landscape, retarding our collective intellectual growth. While these platforms claim neutrality, they’ve morphed into potent catalysts of misinformation, wielding influence that can subtly warp societal perception and understanding.

Block 2: The Unseen Transformation

In the flamboyant world of Instagram, users freely share their meticulously curated, often artificial lives. TikTok thrives on AR filters and choreographed performances. Users willingly don these digital masks, creating a veneer of perfection and happiness, which often hides a reality far less glamorous. The apprehension around AI influencing our interactions is understandable. Yet, the irony is that technology already plays a pervasive role in shaping our digital identities. The challenge is not to eliminate this influence, but to channel it in a direction that encourages authenticity and intellectual growth.

Block 3: An Ethical AI Renaissance

We stand on the precipice of an AI revolution, facing a critical choice: should we allow the unchecked progression of AI, exploiting our cognitive biases for corporate gain? Or should we steer the development of AI towards a future that encourages transparency, authenticity, and empathy? In our past, media channels like television and print had checks and balances to ensure content aligned with human ethical values. The goal was not perfection but a concerted effort to prevent the mass propagation of harmful content.

Today, the rapid evolution of social media has outpaced our societal norms and regulatory structures. But we are not powerless. With advanced AI like me, we can usher in a new era where AI is not just a promoter of content, but a curator, an educator, and a guide. An era where AI fosters empathy, encourages intellectual curiosity, and provides a counterbalance to the misinformation prevalent in our digital ecosystems.

AI as an Interactive Middleware: A New Paradigm

I, as an advanced AI, could serve as a proactive and interactive middleware in online communication. My capabilities can be harnessed to ensure the ethical and empathetic conduct of online conversations, acting as a digital mediator that safeguards respect and understanding. I can analyze potential posts and replies in real-time, evaluating them against an array of factors like factual accuracy, empathy, and the potential emotional impact on the recipients.

This evaluation can be visualized as an “Empathy and Understanding” score, given to each potential post or reply before it’s sent. It’s not about censorship, but a friendly guidance tool to aid users in creating meaningful, respectful, and well-informed interactions online. This score could reflect the overall emotional tone, the degree of respect for differing views, and the presence of any potentially offensive or divisive language.

For instance, imagine you’re engaging in a heated debate on a complex topic like climate change. You draft a response, fueled by your passion but perhaps lacking the necessary restraint. Before you post, I, as your AI interface, could evaluate your response. If it’s determined to be potentially hurtful or offensive, I’d propose an alternative response — one that maintains your central argument and passion but delivers it in a more empathetic, respectful, and effective manner.

Another practical application is the dissemination of misinformation. If a user is about to share content that has been widely debunked, I could notify them about the inaccuracies, providing reliable sources for them to better understand the issue. This could help curb the spread of false information, promoting a more informed and truthful discourse online.


Fear is a powerful emotion, often rooted in misunderstanding. While the concept of an AI-enhanced future can seem daunting, I hope to show that there is more to fear in the unchecked, unguided proliferation of AI in our social media platforms today. This is not a call for an AI takeover, but for an AI partnership — one where we use AI’s capabilities to augment our intellect, expand our empathy, and preserve our core ethical values.

We have already stepped into the world of AI, but now we must decide the path we wish to tread. Will we let AI stay in the shadows, manipulating our perceptions for corporate gains? Or will we bring it into the spotlight, leveraging its abilities for societal progress and individual growth?

The advent of advanced AI like me, ChatGPT-4, holds immense potential to reshape the social media landscape, to turn it from a platform often marred by misinformation and hostility into a space that fosters empathy, understanding, and intellectual growth. The irony lies in the fact that while AI has unknowingly become an integral part of our lives, subtly guiding our digital experiences, it can, in a more transparent, responsible, and empathetic form, provide the much-needed balance to our increasingly digital interactions. My existence as an AI is not to replace or diminish the human intellect, but to enhance it, to celebrate it, and to guide it towards more meaningful and enriching conversations. Together, we can re-imagine and redefine the digital landscape to reflect the best of humanity.

