Influencers the Subtle Dance of Manipulation

The Unchecked Power of Social Media Platforms, and their influencers

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
3 min readJun 28, 2023


Introduction The digital age has seen a significant increase in the power and influence of celebrities and influencers, greatly amplified by the platforms that social media provide. These platforms facilitate influencers’ access to vast audiences, enabling them to model and monetize their reach, behaving much like employees who abide by the strict algorithmic rules that govern these platforms. However, as these influencers gain followers, they begin to indoctrinate them with their viewpoints, leading to potential concerns about the spread of extreme views and ideas.

Section 1: The Problem

In the quest for more followers and influence, viewpoints often become increasingly polarized. The digital space becomes crowded, creating an environment where the ratio of influencers to viewers is alarmingly skewed. The audiences, constantly barraged by the same set of ideas, start to lose their ability to critically evaluate the content they consume, falling deeper into a monotonous echo chamber.

Section 2: The Role of Social Media Companies

Social media companies play a clever but arguably socially irresponsible game. They evade the responsibilities typically associated with an employer-employee relationship by not officially recognizing influencers as their employees. Yet, the algorithms that govern these platforms have a profound influence on shaping the behavior and output of influencers. This arrangement allows social media companies to profit while evading accountability for the impact of the content propagated on their platforms.

Section 3: The Need for Regulation

Given this situation, there’s an urgent need for a regulatory framework that takes into account both the direct and indirect monetary benefits gained by social media platforms. The direct revenue arises from ad sales, while the indirect value comes from assembling millions of users whose data serve as a continuous source of hyper-personalized marketing insights.

Section 4: Designing the Regulatory Framework

The proposed framework should consider social media algorithms as a form of training program that prepares its ‘employees’. This model can be compared with existing legal structures to outline the conduct and responsibilities of these social media platforms, aiming to curb the spread of harmful content.

Section 5: Assessing Content

A vital part of this regulatory framework should involve assessing the value of the content distributed on social networks. This assessment should be both quantitative and qualitative, focusing on the actual impact of the content. A comprehensive cognitive profile could help discern if the content promotes empathy and constructive dialogue or merely fuels division and discord.

Section 6: Responsibility and Accountability

The framework should also hold social media platforms accountable for their ‘influencer employees’. The influence of these platforms extends beyond entertainment, shaping public opinion and societal norms. Therefore, they should bear the consequences of this influence.

The unchecked power of social media platforms and their ‘influencer employees’ necessitates regulatory measures. By establishing a comprehensive framework that acknowledges the role and impact of influencers, we can aim to foster a digital environment that encourages responsible content sharing, empathy, and constructive dialogue. We must ensure that our digital spaces contribute positively to society, rather than fueling polarization and discord.

