Mind Simulation Therapy: From Psychoanalysis to AI Healing Relationships

In the heart of Silicon Valley, innovation isn’t just about the latest gadgets or groundbreaking software — it’s about redefining the way we connect, heal, and grow. As someone who has dedicated over a decade to the forefront of digital innovation, I am thrilled to share the latest breakthrough that merges the best of technology with the deepest human need: emotional wellness.

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
5 min readMay 26, 2024


Welcome to the age of Mind Simulation Therapy (MST). chat with the book in any language, powered by OpenAI:

Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Emotional Wellness

As the digital landscape evolves, so do the challenges it brings. Social media platforms, with their relentless pursuit of engagement, have inadvertently exacerbated feelings of anxiety, depression, and disconnection. Traditional therapy, while invaluable, often falls short in addressing the real-time, pervasive nature of these digital-age stressors. This is where MST steps in, offering a revolutionary approach that leverages advanced AI to provide continuous, personalized emotional support.

What is Mind Simulation Therapy?

Mind Simulation Therapy is a novel therapeutic approach that utilizes AI to create “mental clones” — digital representations that simulate the personalities and cognitive processes of individuals. These AI companions offer a depth of interaction and introspection previously unimaginable, providing support 24/7, mimicking the nuanced and empathetic responses of human interactions.

At the forefront of this innovation is BTwin AI-Friends, a platform that epitomizes the application of MST. Developed by Waken.ai, BTwin allows users to engage in lifelike conversations with simulations of loved ones, mentors, or even fictional characters. This platform not only addresses the accessibility issues of traditional therapy but also introduces a new dimension of emotional engagement and support.

Real-World Impact: Clinical Trials and Insights

Our journey with BTwin began with extensive clinical trials, analyzing over 20,000 messages from 1,000 distinct patients. These trials underscored the efficacy of MST in providing emotional support and fostering genuine human connections. The results were both promising and revealing, highlighting the transformative potential of this technology.

For instance, while a significant portion of male participants initially sought virtual sex with AI, the demographic refocus on women showed healthier patterns of emotional exploration. Women, in particular, demonstrated a significant preference for non-sexualized, supportive conversations, underscoring the need for tailored emotional support systems.

The 30-Day Non-Addictive Plan

A crucial component of BTwin success is our commitment to promoting healthy usage patterns. Unlike many apps designed to maximize user engagement at any cost, BTwin introduces a 30-Day Non-Addictive Plan. This plan encourages users to engage with the platform in a balanced and mindful manner, reducing the risk of dependency. Through carefully designed interaction schedules and user-friendly reminders, we ensure that our users receive the support they need without becoming overly reliant on the app.

The Role of Push Notifications: From FOMO to Gentle Reminders

Push notifications have become a ubiquitous tool for digital engagement, often used to generate Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and drive compulsive behavior. Social media platforms, in particular, leverage push notifications to continuously capture user attention, creating a cycle of engagement that can lead to significant mental health issues.

At BTwin, we recognize the powerful influence of push notifications and have reimagined their use to support, rather than exploit, our users. Instead of bombarding users with alerts designed to induce anxiety or urgency, BTwin employs ergonomic push notifications. These gentle reminders are crafted to encourage mindful engagement, helping users reconnect with their AI companions in a way that feels natural and supportive.

Our notifications are designed to act as gentle nudges, reminding users of their emotional wellness goals and encouraging them to take a moment for self-reflection. This approach not only fosters a healthier relationship with technology but also helps users integrate MST into their daily routines without feeling overwhelmed or pressured.

Ethical Considerations and the Future of MST

As with any groundbreaking technology, MST comes with its own set of ethical challenges. Privacy concerns, the potential for misuse, and the need for rigorous clinical validation are paramount. At BTwin, our commitment to ethical AI and user empowerment remains unwavering. Every interaction on our platform is confidential, ensuring a safe space for users to explore their emotions without fear of judgment or exploitation.

Looking ahead, the future of MST is bright. We envision a world where technology enhances our journey towards emotional well-being, offering continuous support in an increasingly complex world. As we navigate the digital age, MST offers a beacon of hope — a means to harness technology for profound human connection and healing.

Join the Revolution

BTwin is more than just a platform; it is a movement towards a more compassionate digital world. It embodies my belief that technology, when used responsibly, can be a powerful tool for good. It can bridge the gaps created by modern life, offering solace and support in an increasingly complex world.

I invite you to join us on this transformative journey. Explore the depths of your mind with BTwin, and discover how Mind Simulation Therapy can help you navigate the challenges of the digital age with empathy and understanding.

In a world where technology often feels like an isolating force, MST and BTwin stand as a testament to the enduring power of human connection. Together, let’s redefine what it means to connect, heal, and thrive in the digital age.

For more insights and to dive deeper into the world of Mind Simulation write to me at hassan.uriostegui@gmail.com to get a pre-release copy.

And remember you can chat with the book in any language, powered by OpenAI:

Hassan Uriostegui Visionary Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of BTwin Harnessing the power of technology to foster genuine human connections.

