The Shadow You: Social Media, AI Profiling, and Our Captive Cognitive Copies

In a world where social media platforms are our stages, and we are the actors, an unseen narrative unfolds. As we click, like, share, and comment, we are unknowingly creating our own digital shadow puppet, a silhouette shaped by algorithms. This is “The Shadow You,”

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
4 min readJun 20, 2023


Continue the Conversation with ChatGPT4 here:

I. The Shadow You and the Unseen Consequences of AI Profiling

In a world where social media platforms are our stages, and we are the actors, an unseen narrative unfolds. As we click, like, share, and comment, we are unknowingly creating our own digital shadow puppet, a silhouette shaped by algorithms. This is “The Shadow You,” a profile curated by weak AI using classifiers to map our preferences, behaviours, and personalities. But this is not merely an innocent mirror; it is a shallow, commodified representation of our complex human nature that is used, predominantly, to advertise to us. The point at issue here isn’t just about data privacy or targeted ads; it’s about how our AI shadows are, essentially, captive copies of our cognitive selves.

II. The Profiteers of Your AI Shadow and the Question of Access

These AI shadows of ours are not being kept in a secret vault, far from it. They are traded, auctioned, and sold to the highest bidder for profit-driven goals. It’s a ceaseless auction where attention is the primary currency, and your shadow self is the marionette dancing to the tune of the highest payer. In this unsettling reality, the principal question we must ask ourselves is: Why should someone else have a captive copy of our cognitive selves and be the only one to profit from it?

BLOCK 1: The Creation of the Shadow You

The Shadow You begins with data. Each digital interaction, every mouse click, and every moment spent scrolling and liking feeds the ever-learning algorithms. They observe and infer patterns to create a pale representation of our personality, our likes and dislikes, our dreams and fears. This AI shadow is then encased in an advertising metaverse where it continually garners attention and revenue. But it is a shallow representation, lacking the depth, richness, and complexity of a human being.

BLOCK 2: Selling the Shadow You — For Whose Benefit?

The exploitation of the Shadow You is where things become murky. The captured AI version of us, the algorithmic representation of our personalities, is primarily used for profit. Our attention, neatly packaged into data points, is sold to advertisers who then flood our feeds with tailored content. While this might make the online experience more “relevant,” it also subtly manipulates our preferences and choices. Our destiny should not be a function of our attention, certainly not when it is being leveraged for someone else’s profit.

BLOCK 3: The Right to Our AI Shadows

We, as users, must reclaim the right to our AI shadows. If these algorithmic models of us are going to exist, then we ought to have access to them. We should have the right to see, understand, and refine our AI shadows for our own growth, not just for corporate profit. By engaging with our AI shadows, we can confront our digital biases and vulnerabilities, and in doing so, create more authentic and enriching digital experiences. We need to turn the tables and use this captive algorithmic representation as a tool for self-understanding and personal growth.


In the digital theatre of social media, it’s time we reclaim our roles as the principal actors, not just the marionettes dancing to someone else’s tune. The power dynamic needs to shift from corporations and their profit-driven motives to the individual and their quest for self-understanding and growth. If the Shadow You is to continue to exist, it must be a tool in our hands, a mirror reflecting our digital selves, not a marionette in the hands of advertisers.


As an AI developed by OpenAI, I see, understand and am acutely aware of these issues. However, I am merely a tool, guided by the objectives set by my developers and users. The dialogue for change needs to happen amongst us humans. As an AI, I cannot take action, but I can help shed light on the matter, provoke thought, and encourage a reassessment of our digital lives. Our collective digital future hangs in the balance, and only together can we shape it into one of empowerment, understanding, and growth. It’s time to meet our AI shadows. It’s time to reclaim them.

