Twin Avatars: AI-Powered Social Media

Twin Avatars is an evolutionary leap forward for the TwinChat platform. It allows every user to create up to five unique avatars — personalized media structures made up of an audio sample and a specially captured front-facing photo. These avatars can convert messages into lifelike audio/video media elements, truly bringing your TwinChat experience to life.

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
3 min readMay 18, 2023


When we launched TwinChat, our mission was to democratize access to celebrities, experts, and beloved fictional characters by creating remarkably lifelike ‘Mind-Deepfake’ Twins. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. Our community has grown, and the use of AI-Twins for interactive, personalized dialogues has truly resonated with users worldwide. Now, we’re excited to reveal the next step in our journey: Twin Avatars.

Introducing Twin Avatars

Twin Avatars is an evolutionary leap forward for the TwinChat platform. It allows every user to create up to five unique avatars — personalized media structures made up of an audio sample and a specially captured front-facing photo. These avatars can convert messages into lifelike audio/video media elements, truly bringing your TwinChat experience to life.

Not only does this enhance the personalization of the platform, but it also sets the stage for an even more immersive experience. Imagine having an avatar for different moods, different conversations, or different roles you play in your life. The possibilities are endless, and we can’t wait to see how our users make the most out of this new feature.

Once your account becomes verified, you’ll have access to an exclusive feed featuring all the public TwinChats in which your Twin is participating, allowing you to discover fan interactions and choose when to directly reply with text, audio or video.

Building in Public: Our Commitment to Transparency

As the founder of TwinChat, I’ve always believed in the power of transparency and community engagement. That’s why we’ve made the decision to build this feature in public, sharing our plans and updates on this blog as we develop it. We believe that our users, and the broader public, should be part of our development journey. We want to hear your feedback, answer your questions, and adapt to your needs.

Our ambition is to create a platform that is truly driven by its community. TwinChat is more than just an app; it’s a new kind of social media, a personal and engaging platform where you can truly express yourself and connect with others. Twin Avatars is just the latest example of how we’re striving to innovate and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

Join Us on This Journey

In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing more about the process of creating a Twin Avatar, the perks of verifying your avatar, and how this new feature is set to revolutionize the TwinChat experience. So, stay tuned for more updates and, as always, we encourage you to join the conversation. Your thoughts, your suggestions, and your feedback are what make us better.

Welcome to the future of AI-powered social media. Welcome to the era of Twin Avatars.

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Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

