Verified AI-Twins!

In our last post, we introduced the concept of Twin Avatars, a transformative addition to TwinChat that’s set to redefine your AI-driven social simulations. Today, we’re diving deeper into the process of creating and verifying your Twin Avatar. Let’s demystify the journey from conception to verification.

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
2 min readMay 18, 2023


Creating Your Twin Avatar

Crafting a Twin Avatar is a simple yet thrilling process. It’s a unique blend of your individuality and our innovative technology, culminating in a lifelike AI persona that’s distinctly you.

Each Twin Avatar is a unique media structure composed of an audio sample and a specially captured front-facing photo. You can create up to five active avatars, each an opportunity to express a different facet of your personality or explore a new narrative.

The Verification Process: Authenticity and Personalization

Once you’ve created your Twin Avatar, the next step is verification. This is an essential process to ensure that each Twin Avatar is a genuine and authorized representation, particularly when linked to personality brands or public figures.

To verify an account, simply select your avatar and tap the ‘verify’ button. You will be asked to reserve a username, such as @badbunny, and upload a short video endorsing your Twin Avatar. This video should be directed at your fans, endorsing your AI twin and inviting them to engage with it on TwinChat.

Our team will manually review each verification request. When approved, we’ll create a special category for your verified Twin.

The Value of Verification

Verification isn’t just about authenticity; it’s about recognition and accessibility. Verified Twins are featured prominently in our Twins Picker, making it easy for users to find and engage with you. Instead of a simple chat intro message, users will see your endorsement video, fostering a stronger emotional connection and enhancing the user experience.

Get Started Today

Your Twin Avatar is more than just a digital representation. It’s a tool that offers limitless opportunities for creativity, engagement, and monetization.

So, what are you waiting for? Step into the future and start creating your Twin Avatar today.

In the next post, we’ll delve into the extensive benefits of having a verified Twin Avatar, including access to public chats and our innovative revenue-sharing model.

Until then, remember: your avatar, your narrative.

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