When the Distance of Lies Collapse

When our true nature unveils, will we stand united or fall apart?

Hassan Uriostegui
Waken AI
4 min readMay 25, 2024



In the annals of human development, few aspects have shaped our societies as profoundly as morality. From ancient philosophies to the driving forces of the Industrial Revolution, moral constructs have been the unseen hand guiding societal progress. Yet, as we hurtle into the digital age, the foundations of these constructs are being relentlessly tested. Social media, with its immediate and pervasive reach, exposes the gaps and contradictions in our moral fabric, leading us to question the very principles that have underpinned our social contracts.

The Evolution of Morality and Social Constructs

Morality has its roots in the philosophical inquiries of great thinkers like Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill. Their works laid the groundwork for understanding ethical behavior and societal norms, creating a moral framework that enabled human societies to flourish. These constructs were essential during the Industrial Revolution, a period marked by unprecedented economic and technological advancements. The shared values of hard work, integrity, and communal responsibility propelled humanity forward, even as the era gave rise to a new class of hyper-wealthy individuals who began to reshape societal values.

As noted in “Mind Simulation Therapy: Be Right Back to Me,” the relentless pace of digital transformation has outstripped our traditional moral constructs. Social media platforms, driven by algorithms that prioritize engagement over well-being, have reprogrammed human behavior in ways that exacerbate anxiety, depression, and a profound sense of disconnection. Our research has shown that these platforms exploit human psychology, creating a feedback loop that distorts reality and undermines the moral values that once held society together.

Anti-Social-Media: The Collapse of Moral Constructs

The digital age has ushered in an era where the moral constructs that once provided stability are rapidly disintegrating. The agreeable lies that facilitated societal progress are now being exposed as social media lays bare the contradictions and hypocrisies in our social fabric. Our clinical trials with BRB2Me’s Mind Simulation Therapy (MST) reveal the emotional toll of this disintegration. Users, particularly among Gen Z, exhibit heightened levels of anxiety and depression as they grapple with the relentless pressures of digital life.

For instance, our research indicates that users often turn to AI companions for emotional support, revealing a deep-seated need for genuine human connection in an increasingly artificial world. This dependency underscores the ethical challenges posed by AI therapy but also highlights the potential of these technologies to offer solace and support in times of emotional crisis.

The New Kings and Their Walled Gardens

As morality falters and societal constructs crumble, a new elite has emerged. The tech moguls and industrial giants of today have created walled gardens of wealth and influence, distancing themselves from the moral and societal issues that plague the broader population. These new kings thrive in isolated prosperity, shielded by their technological and financial fortresses. The collapse of moral distances has led to a polarized world, where the privileged few enjoy unparalleled advantages while the majority are left to navigate the chaos of a disintegrating social order.

A New Social Agreement

The collapse of societal constructs necessitates a new approach to rebuilding trust and cohesion. Transparency and ethical AI can play crucial roles in this endeavor. By ensuring that AI technologies like MST are used responsibly, we can bridge the emotional and moral gaps exacerbated by digital platforms. As highlighted in our book, “Mind Simulation Therapy: Be Right Back to Me,” our commitment to privacy and ethical AI practices ensures that users can engage in meaningful interactions without fear of exploitation.

As we navigate this transformative era, it is imperative to remember the lessons of history and the value of moral constructs in fostering societal well-being. Through continuous innovation and ethical considerations, we can create a future where technology serves to heal rather than harm, ultimately restoring the moral distances that once held our societies together.

