Community MeetUps, Powered by Twitch

Erin “Aureylian” Wayne
Twitch Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2017

The Twitch community is known for their passion (#bleedpurple). Throughout the years, we’ve seen countless friendships formed, engagements and weddings broadcasted live, and dozens of organized gatherings at conventions for broadcasters and their fans.

In the last year, we’ve started seeing this passion evolve into groups of broadcasters and fans banding together to form local, city-based events dedicated to sharing their love for Twitch, networking with each other and local gaming organizations, and growing friendships IRL. Essentially, a new form of meet-up has been popping up all around the globe, sometimes with 100+ people in attendance! Naturally, we wanted to figure out how we could equally support all of these events and promote them, and that’s why we created the Community MeetUps, Powered by Twitch program.

As currently constructed, this program outlines that Twitch will:

  • provide limited use of the “Powered by Twitch” logos (to be used only in association with the meet-up),
  • provide swag bags for the event, for use at each group’s discretion (total number varies depending on the size of the group, but typically about 10 per event),
  • promote the event via social media and/or Twitch Weekly, and
  • allow use of the name “Twitch” in social media (such as @TwitchSeattle on Twitter, and in websites).

In exchange, the MeetUp will:

  • brand the event as “<City> Community MeetUp, Powered by Twitch”,
  • abide by the Twitch Trademark and Brand guidelines (which means, aside from the “Powered by Logo”, no use of the “Twitch” or “Glitch” logos, no use of any of the emotes under Twitch’s copyright, and proper use of all color schemes),
  • keep the event either all-ages or 18+, and free of charge,
  • obtain approval from Twitch for all sponsorships, and keeping sponsors associated with the event endemic to the gaming culture,
  • post and enforce an Events Rules of Conduct at each event, and
  • put on at least 2 events per calendar year.

There’s a bit more detail, but so far it seems to be benefitting everyone involved. There are currently 20 groups participating from the US, Canada, and Australia, and we are in the process of adapting the program to accept more groups around the globe!

If you choose not to participate in the program, that’s totally understandable! We encourage you to form meet-ups and strengthen your communities in the way you best feel fits the needs of your attendees. However, we do ask that organizers wanting to form a MeetUp in a city currently not involved in the program abide by the Brand and Trademark guidelines, including avoiding the use of Twitch’s name and logo, unless explicit permission is granted.

To apply for entrance into the Community MeetUps, Powered by Twitch program, please visit and submit your application. If you have questions, please feel free to email

Or, if you’re a Twitch fan just wanting to find out which MeetUp is closest to you, please check out the current list of participating cities/Community MeetUps below:

Outside of the United States

United States



Erin “Aureylian” Wayne
Twitch Blog

Community Marketing at @Twitch — Lalafel — Content Creator — @JINX Ambassador — Hufflepuff — Leslie Knope is my Patronus