Fitness Community Spotlight

Brittany Brown
Twitch Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2017

Since the launch of IRL in December 2016, many streamers have shared their thoughts, opinions, feelings, and everyday lives with their communities. It’s no secret that fitness is essential to live life to it’s fullest. Many streamers have decided to use IRL as a medium to share their fitness journeys with their communities.

The Cardio Connoisseur

RAWRsquared effortlessly combines his daily cardio routine and gameplay, all while teaching his community everything they need to know about cardio. He originally started his fitness journey to lose weight. After his weight loss goals were achieved, he decided to challenge himself with marathon training. He instantly became hooked. Since then RAWRsquared has been on a decade long running journey participating in endurance races all over the United States.

On Wednesday, 9/13, RAWRsquared started a 6-week marathon training series on his channel called “TwitchCon Marathon Training.” For this series, he’ll be uploading informative marathon training videos once a week until his next marathon in Long Beach, CA, on 10/21. That’s the same weekend as TwitchCon! You can catch RAWRsquared live streaming beginner-focused fitness training from Monday to Friday at 11:00am PT and advanced marathon training from Tuesday to Thursday at 7:30am PT.

I had been planning ways to incorporate some of my fitness routine into a gaming stream for ages before IRL launched. Once the IRL opportunity presented itself, I knew I had the chance to create something special. Knowing what exercise has done for my health and well being over the last 10+ years, I wanted to share that with other people that may be in the same place now, where I was a decade ago, and show that you can do anything if you commit to it.

The Competitive Powerlifter

SyLoGum has been weight training for eight years, with the last four years focusing on the sport of powerlifting. She is currently ranked 5th in the world for her weight class! SyLoGum’s live streams consist of her training regimen, as she is constantly preparing for her next powerlifing competition. She does a great job of balancing training and interacting with her community by answering any fitness related questions they may have.

On Monday, 9/4, SyLoGum started an 8-week series called “Strength Training with SyLoGum,” where she documents her journey preparing to compete in the International Powerlifiting League (IPL) in Las Vegas, NV, on 11/2. She live streams Monday to Friday at 12:00pm PT.

I always like to say, ‘Nobody does this alone.’ This quote speaks volumes to me because although competitive powerlifting is an individual sport, it takes a team to become successful. My community is my inspiration to keep working hard every single day, and I truly believe that I wouldn’t be able to do this without their support. It brings me great joy to help my viewers with their fitness questions, to give my viewers motivation to start exercising again, and to give my viewers dieting advice!

The Resilient One

Need help getting started with dieting or exercise? Then TominationTime is your man! His talk-show structured live streams enable his community to ask health and fitness related questions judgement-free. TominationTime found his love for fitness after suffering from major back pain. Fitness helped him when he felt helpless. Now that he is recovered, he seeks to motivate and inspire others to take control of their health with fitness.

TominationTime just concluded his “8-week Summer Shred” series, where he provides advice on building muscle and fat loss. If you missed it, you can binge watch the whole series here. TominationTime live streams every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:30pm PT and every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00am PT.

I stream Fitness because I wish I had a community like TominationTime 10 years ago when I was crippled with back pain feeling hopeless and unable to even walk. I wish I had a place when I first started down my Fitness journey where I could get basic questions answered. I would have saved a lot of time and energy if I knew back then what I know now. So I created the community I wish I had!

Looking for more fitness streamers to follow? Check out our picks of the month below!

