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2019 Dashboard Survey Results

Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2020


Last November and December, we ran a poll on the dashboard asking for feedback. Here’s what we got from 1,051 responses.

The Big Picture

As it turns out, there’s a lot to learn by asking your user-base just three simple questions. On the poll, we asked the following:

  1. One a scale from one to five, how easy is it to use the dashboard?
  2. What makes the dashboard difficult to use? This question was only shown to people who marked a three or lower on the previous question.
  3. How can we improve the dashboard?

How easy is it to use the dashboard?

Graph shows survey response results on a scale from 1 to 5

On this question, the average user rated the dashboard’s ease-of-use a 3.6 out of 5. While the majority of users marked a perfect 5 out of 5, a lot of people experience difficulty when trying to use Streamcord’s dashboard. So, why is that?

What makes the dashboard difficult to use?

In my mind, it seemed really easy to navigate the dashboard. Of course I would say that though, because I’m the one who made it. Unfortunately, several new users were getting lost somewhere along the way. Some notable responses include:

- Testing it out so far but don’t understand where to go!

- I do not understand the Live Role Interface

- I cant figure out on how to put my twitch username in

- for starters you should add the commands with the bot so new ppl can see how to use the bot.

Therefore, we should just simplify the process of adding notifications, setting up live role, etc. Right? It’s not like you just click on your server and then “add notification”?

- Have to go through so many screens just to get to “Manage Notifications” also making changes and saving does not work. Have to delete and recreate.

Your server > Notifications. Easy as that.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be so cynical, but what do you want? A floating exclamation mark on the buttons that I want you to click?

Anyways, on a more serious note, this response was genuinely helpful:

- A few more examples and explanations on what everything does would be nice.

I can actually agree with this. Streamcord does need more help articles and small little descriptions on the server page to tell new users how everything works.

How can we improve the dashboard?

This was a fairly open-ended question. Think “I can tell the developers anything I want!” And quite frankly, 0 of these responses were actually helpful. A lot of people just left it blank, or used it as a place to reiterate what they wrote in the previous question.

Lessons from a (failed) attempt

Even though the first part of this article was a bit of a rant, there’s definitely something we can take away from this. First off, we’ll be improving the onboarding process for new users, including a walk-through video that will provide info for how to add notifications and set up live role.

In the future, I’ll probably also rewrite the dashboard to use Nuxt.js, for better design consistency and performance. I’m also currently rewriting the Help Center using the same framework.

I know these results were a bit disappointing, but nevertheless you can never go wrong by asking your users for feedback; and we’ll definitely be running some more surveys this year.

