Discontinuing Streamcord’s blog

Published in
1 min readOct 28, 2022

Our first post on this page was nearly 4 years ago to the day — a much younger and more inexperienced version of myself wrote an entry-level explanation on how Streamcord’s (then TwitchBot’s) notification handler worked.

700,000 servers and many lessons learned later, we’ve gradually centralized our operations to our Discord server. That means, through the years, this blog fell by the wayside. It’s a lot more efficient to write a couple-hundred-word announcement on Discord and ping @everyone than it is to draft a much longer formal blog post, then spread it on social media, only for fewer people to read it.

As such, Streamcord’s blog will be going away on May 16th, 2023. Existing articles will stay as an archive, but the blog.streamcord.io subdomain will redirect to whatever medium.com URL we switch to. We’ll also be removing any links to the blog on our websites and social media.

Thanks to everyone who made this blog possible, especially those who revised my entries, those who followed, and those who read.

If you want to stay up to date on Streamcord, I recommend joining our Discord server, following our Twitter, and subscribing on YouTube.

