Leadership communities you should be a part of… #TwitterChat (Part 2)

#TChat | #LeadFromWithin | #LeadWithGiants


Hello my name is Brian Fanzo (@iSocial_Fanz )and I am a #TwitterChatAholic…

If you follow me on twitter you will know that I am passionate about the importance of engagement and creating relationships on twitter to build communities that can change the world. Twitter chats allow users to filter the noise and be part of a group that comes together weekly to debate and collaborate about a certain topic.

I participate in a range of twitter chats throughout the week, 25 a week to be exact. If you want to know more about the basics of a twitter chat or see my schedule of chats please see my recent medium post: My #socialmedia experienced changed when I found these Twitter chats…”

My 3 favorite leadership twitter chats:



When: Wednesday Nights 8pm (Est)

Leaders: @TalentCulture @MeghanMBiro

Why: Community is a World of Work Community (Leadership + HR + Talent Management + Social Workplace + HR Technology)

It is a family much like cheers.. Everyone in #TChat knows your name!

  • Topics & Questions are important to college students up to retiree’s… Because of the broad topic & diverse backgrounds of all the people each week is different yet equally awesome.
  • Meghan, Kevin & the moderators of the community are really passionate about the chats & do a great job of building excitement around guests or topics each week. They also do a 30min radio stream to preview the chat or interview guests that will be part of the 1 hour chat.
  • Within my “Must Follow” Twitter list the majority of them participate in at-least 1 chat a month… so much can be learned from these leaders!
  • #TChat isn’t just a twitter chat its a social community of change that has a LinkedIn group, New G+ group & the you must follow the leaders & moderators as they share must read content.
  • This chat is the fastest paced chat of the week so don’t be afraid to use a chat tool or jump in whenever you can. Also the Storify sent out after each chat is worth reading to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

This community is far bigger than the 1 hour chat.. This chat sets the bar IMO for engagement, true relationships & is an example of the true power of social media #TChat



When: Tuesday Night 8pm

Leader: Lolly Daskall

Why: Chat is focused around leadership development, organizational leadership consulting and engagement and culture change.

  • You don’t have to be a leader or be in a leadership role to enjoy this chat… It is inspiring and motivating just to read the recap of this chat!
  • The focus is sharing tips and things that make good leaders & sharing motivational and inspiring lessons learned to make eachother better..
  • Lolly is a must follow throughout the week as she posts great quotes and leadership articles that I often repost and quote throughout the week.
  • Follow this hashtag throughout the week as many of the great leaders on twitter use this hashtag for content and quotes that you don’t want to miss.

I leave this chat each week motivated to leader others while also feeling like I have so much to learn as a leader.. #LeadFromWithin



When: Monday 7PM (Est)

Leader: Dan Forbes

Why: This chat is focused around leadership and helping leaders become better leaders.

  • This chat will make you feel good and is a perfect kick start to the week!
  • Dan does a great job of updating community pages across social networks & keeping the community engaged leading up to the chat each week.
  • The questions are motivating and inspiring yet just enough different to bring you back each week.
  • Many of the leaders I follow and engage with in other twitter chats join this chat as both guests and participates.
  • Dan does a great job of putting together a schedule of guests joining the twitter chats allowing you to see who is the guest for the next couple months. I am excited to be hosting a chat on June 2nd.

I am inspired by the leadership “giants” that engage in this community & motivated to become a better leader. #LeadWithGiants

If you found this valuable please sure this with others and hit recommend below.. Also would love to know about twitter chats that you love that I need to check out..

Please check out my other posts in the #TwitterChat Series!

Twitter Chat Series:

  1. My #socialmedia experienced changed when I found these Twitter chats…”
  2. Leadership & World of Work Chats (This Post) #TChat, #LeadFromWithin, #LeadWithGiants
  3. Social Media & Marketing Chats (March 19) #BrandChat, #SocialChat, #MMchat, #SMXchat, #MediaChat, #CMGRhangout, #SuperSocialChat
  4. Content & Blogging Chats (March 20) #AtomicChat, #RBchat, #UGCchat, #ContentChat, #BlogChat, #BlogGab,
  5. Technology & C-Suite Chats (March 21) #CXO, #CXOtalk, #Hubchat, #SMTlive



Brian Fanzo | Digital Futurist, Speaker, Ai Artist
Creator Economy

Digital Futurist — Keynote Speaker — Host of NFT 365 the first Daily NFT podcast, Creator of the ADHD Coin, ADHD SuperPowered Girl Dad and Pittsburgh Sports Fan