How can we “reinvent”​ customer engagement in the insurance industry

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3 min readJun 4, 2019

The measure of a good customer engagement in the insurance sector , just few years back, was considered to be a prompt claim settlement. However with the changing paradigm, customer experience and customer relationship has reached new heights. Be it consumers or insurers, the expectation today to create more personalized customer service is leading to new innovative customer engagement initiatives.Digital customer engagement in the insurance industry has increased the touch points between insurers and customers, leading to an increase in customers’ loyalty and affinity towards a brand.

Customer engagement hasn’t always been a top priority for insurers. The focus for them has traditionally been on the first level sales process and claims with minimal engagement with customer post sales.

In order to maximize profits and drive new opportunities, insurance companies must develop strategies to deliver a truly personalized experience. For them the competition not only comes from their peers in the industry but also from managing and retaining their current subscribers,considering the ever changing landscape of personalized customer experience and engagement.

The future of customer engagement in insurance industry

This is where an emerging a new category of messaging for enterprise consumption comes into picture which can help insurers helpfully and gainfully engage with their subscribers. Otherwise also known as “interactive or dynamic” messaging, these can help insurance organization communicate with their subscribers in more actionable (transactional, structured messaging) manner which would result in users being able to self-service themselves without the need to visit the website or download an app.

Seamlessly personalizing customer communications, by engaging them with a definite “call-to-action” is a welcome move that insurers can leverage to engage with their customers who often experience “app fatigue” owing to the requirement to download n number of apps.

The above image highlights the ease of insurance premium payment that can be triggered from within the message sent. Be it through SMS , email , whatsapp or social channels , the customer can perform the action of payment without moving away from the messaging interface , thus invoking a definite action.

Once services are rendered to users, this innovative method of customer communications enhances customer stickiness and creates an opportunity to the insurer to sell other products from their staple as well as upsell upgrades to the existing products.

Insurance organizations should seriously consider modern day more contemporary looking opportunities that exist for providing services and engaging with their subscribers.

Introducing Twixor Encaps

“EnCaps”is a visual drag and drop “interactive” communications builder, that makes it faster than ever to create new customer experiences across any communication channel. Be it via SMS, Whatsapp, Web Browser Widgets (Timeline), Social Media Channels, Email or Chatbots.

By leveraging the power of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) combined with its own proprietary BPM engine in the back-end , the number of use cases , both within an enterprise and customer facing transactions along with last mile communications, can be greatly reinvented for ones’ advantage.

Enterprise customers today, find it much easier to launch “interactive” campaigns with ease and at a much faster pace. A win-win scenario for both brands and their customers. They are now able to go to market with creative messaging in a matter of minutes and delight their customers with “two-way” interactive messaging and witness higher engagement rates.

Try this “interactive” customer engagement builder for free:

* Twixor is first of its kind ‘customer engagement platform’ which brings together the power of ‘bi-directional actionable messaging’ and ‘Business Process Management (BPM)’.By leveraging the power of Progressive Web Apps(PWA) the platform ushers enterprises into a truly “app”-less computing era with its channel agnostic feature.

