Keep it simple when communicating with your customers

Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2019

Communication is key for human interaction, and it can make or break a business. Effective communication with customers can lead to increased sales, repeat business and referrals. The reverse of this , jumbled or irrelevant messages, can quickly lead to decreased sales, frustrated customers and negative word of mouth.

Marketers perceive today’s consumers as web-savvy, mobile-enabled users who prefer any brand or store that offers the best deal.In response to the new age consumers, brands have revamped their customer communications, on the lines that, the more interaction and information they provide, the better the chances of gaining the attention of these distracted customers. But for most consumers, the rising volume of marketing messages isn’t empowering — it’s overwhelming. Rather than engaging customers , marketers are pushing them away with relentless and ill-conceived efforts to engage.

So one big question facing businesses in this ever-more-connected society of ours is: How can businesses improve their communications with customers in order to grow and thrive?

Simplify their navigation

Quite often, the most easiest and fool proof method of keeping your customers engaged is simplifying their customer journey. Take for example the numerous offers/discount notification message a customer is bombarded with on a day-day basis.How easy is this today for a customer to act upon and claim an offer? In most cases it becomes tedious task to download an app or visit the website, use the coupon code and proceed with claiming a discount/offer.

Many brands lead consumers down confusing purchase paths. The savviest ones simplify and personalize the route.

Defining the path intuitively goes a long way in engaging customers.

This is where two-way “interactive” messaging proves to be a winner. Seamlessly personalizing customer communications and by engaging them with a definite “call-to-action” , brands have seen a 3x increase in customer engagement and 70% more conversions.

Marketers who focus on simplifying consumers’ decision making will rise above the rest, and their customers will stick by them as a result.

Make it simple with EnCaps

“EnCaps”is a visual drag and drop “interactive” communications builder, that makes it faster than ever to create new customer experiences across any communication channel. Be it via SMS, Whatsapp, Web Browser Widgets (Timeline), Social Media Channels, Email or Chatbots.

is a visual drag and drop “interactive” communications builder, that makes it faster than ever to create new customer experiences across any communication channel. Be it via SMS, Whatsapp, Web Browser Widgets (Timeline), Social Media Channels, Email or Chatbots.

is a visual drag and drop “interactive” communications builder, that makes it faster than ever to create new customer experiences across any communication channel. Be it via SMS, Whatsapp, Web Browser Widgets (Timeline), Social Media Channels, Email or Chatbots.

Our enterprise customers today find it much easier to launch “interactive” campaigns with ease and at a much faster pace. A win-win scenario for both brands and their customers. Go to market with creative messaging in a matter of minutes and delight your customer with “two-way” interactive messaging to witness higher engagement rates.

