A prime example of millennial narcissism? Maybe.

Two Best Friends Talk About Stuff
2 min readAug 14, 2018

It’s a muggy Friday evening — the kind of evening that August has a bit of a reputation for concocting. I’m sitting on my bed. Keeping me company are my laptop (obviously), and my phone, which has been deliberately positioned so that while I can see the new notifications popping up, I can’t read them. The notification frequency is fairly constant right now. I’ll take a peek if things start to get crazy.

Now that you have a mental image of what to expect, allow me to introduce myself — I’m Ghazal, a.k.a., 50% of Two Best Friends Talk About Stuff (you’ll have the opportunity to meet my other half, soon).

Me (Ghazal) and my other half, Jessica, circa 2017

For the most part, I feel like I play the role of a spectator on the internet. I consume a lot of information. Some of it’s work-related, some of it’s newsworthy, but most of it’s pretty random. I tend to operate with the philosophy that you never know when the knowledge of or familiarity with a particular topic will come in handy, so it’s best to take it all in, juuust in case.

Now, as you might imagine, I sometimes have thoughts about the information I consume. And every now and then, they’re brand new thoughts that have been inspired by information I’ve consumed. With these thoughts comes the immediate desire to share, and then subsequent feelings of anxiety and despair when I realize that this means having to enter the chaos that is the comments section of a Youtube video.

Image Source: MemeCenter

Surely, we as a society must have a less… painful forum for such discussions, right?

We kind of do. I tweet every now and then, which is great for when I want to release a nifty little soundbite unto the world, but not so great for when I actually want to have a conversation that’ll force me to think critically about a particular topic. So what do I do when I want the latter? I message my best friend, and we… talk about stuff. As far as value propositions go, I feel like this one hits the nail right on the head. This, right here, is a home for those talks to live.

A prime example of millennial narcissism? Maybe. (:



Two Best Friends Talk About Stuff

Woman in tech. Scientist at heart. Amateur stand-up comedian on the internet. I was once told that my set sounded like a blog post, so here we are.