
Devils going to Church

Samuel Azeez
Flaming Words


On another day, the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came with them to present himself before him (Job 2:1 NJKV)

Discipleship is a long walk with Christ and the journey is filled with stumbling blocks - it is guaranteed that offenses must come (see Luke 17:1). How are we to react in the advent of offenses and why do they happen? This article discusses offenses by HYBRIDS.

It is becoming scary to go to church nowadays because you just do not know which is genuine. You cannot just regard everyone is your faithful brother or sister within the church. Nowadays, it's becoming more important than ever before to be led by the Spirit of God, do proper research, fast and pray for guidance for the right church to attend. Of course, this is not applicable to all but those who are spiritually discerning. Oddities of a church could be the allowance of ritual processions of another religion - men dressing half-naked and spiting incantations during church service; in the name of religion tolerance. This admittance - the works of Hybrids.

An Hybrid in biological term is a product of two intercourse between two distinct species. This fusion brings about inherited traits from both parents. In other words, an hybrid is a cross-specie, having traits that are peculiar to…

