It’s weird being the type A entrepreneur.

Jacqueline Quill
That  blista-free grind.
2 min readNov 28, 2018

How letting go fuels the power to grow.

When I was 5 years old I was the best cleaner-upper in kindergarten. At 8 years old I had my whole week‘s worth of homework planned out by Monday afternoon. And by age 15 I had a list of goals I wanted to get done before I was 30.

Fast forward 15 years and through the launch of blistabloc, I’ve learned (not easily) that I can’t be in control all of the time, and thats okay. But what I can do is focus on what I can control and how I manage that.

As a young entrepreneur you learn quickly that no plan, model, or agenda will ever perfectly align with what is about to happen. There is no study guide to master or process to follow. Instead, there is trial by fire — functioning in a choreographed crisis mode, learning to be flexible and truly trusting the work of others. All things that make a Type A individual cringe.

The success of an entrepreneur comes not with always executing perfectly, but in executing something. Another thing far from comfortable for a Type A’er. But here’s the thing, you cannot improve, grow, or compete if you never launch.

Khan Academy’s Development Mantra is “Shipping beats perfection.” That could not be more accurate. Particularly as Type A’ers, its a hard, very hard, but incredibly necessary mantra to understand, accept and practice. If you never ship, regardless of the state of readiness, then what are you left with? Really good ideas, a “perfect” plan with no product to show?

Its not easy giving up control, but giving up control of all things also isn’t the answer. Instead focus the control. Focus the control on habits, a mind set, the day to day commitment of putting in the work. Control your optimism, your ability to adapt, your creativity in seeking new opportunities, and your everday hustle. When you remained focused on the dream, the uncomfortable things become less feared and more part of the adventure.

Joe Abraham’s book, Entrepreneurial DNA, states that there are 4 types of Entrepreneurs: Builders, Opportunistics, Specialists, and Innovators. I strongly believe that there are even more than these 4 types of entrepreneurs and that a large majority of us are probably all 4 of those combined. Regardless of your type, the underlying truth that all entrepreneurs share is that when you start to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, with taking risks, trusting others, and executing “imperfectly”, that is when the true magic happens.

It may have taken 30 years, but maybe beauty is madness, and madness doesn't come with a plan.



Jacqueline Quill
That  blista-free grind.

blistabloc co-founder, sneaker loving entrepreneur determined to make heels as comfortable as possible.