Want to Learn Something Fun and New?

Here’s presenting to you…Two Minute Astronomy!

Two Minute Astronomy
2 min readSep 1, 2020


Star Trails. Image by Pexels from Pixabay

So if you know me personally, you’d most probably also know that I’m an astronomy junkie who’s either walking around looking straight up or pointing out patterns and planets in the sky to acquaintances. Trust me, it’s really fun, and I often wish I could take my love for the domain to more people out there who would love and cherish it too (If you want to know why I am so obsessed with astronomy, check out this article).

When I say astronomy here, I mean that which is simple and is practiced for millennia by humans: observational astronomy. It is a beautifully rewarding hobby that is relaxing and as old as civilisation itself. After all, who doesn’t need a few moments now and then to relax and rejuvenate, away from gadgets and all that stress?

A popular meme format poking lighthearted fun at seemingly random-looking constellations.

Observational astronomy gets a bad rap because it is said that nothing actually resembles what it is supposed to look like, be it planets, constellations or other celestial bodies. It is true to a good extent, but the stunning photographs of them that we often see and expect are actually the product of great astrophotography. Also, when constellations were first being laid down (or up?) centuries ago, the night sky was infinitely better in terms of light pollution (more on that in subsequent articles), which meant faint stars appeared clearer back then. Such conditions are replicable if you live in/have access to a fairly rural or suburban area, but there are still constellations and planets that cut through city haze to present glorious sights to those that are willing to turn their gaze heavenward.

Anyway, before we actually go out and map those constellations and spot planets, some groundwork needs to be laid. I’ll make it as fun and palatable as possible (it already is!) in bite-sized installments, so that when the time comes, you too can marvel at the wonders the night sky has to offer, and spread the word.

So stay tuned, and here’s to this amazing journey we embark on together!

