Guru Dare |Kindred |Know thy lover

Things I later learn DON’T Turn Her On.

2 min readJan 24, 2017


Do you constantly pass gas in her presence and laugh in self-amazement. Do you floss your teeth and splash debris all over the mirror. How about using half the Qtip and “save” the other half for another time?

Leaving the toilet seat up after peeing is annoying to all women, but what’s even more inconsiderate is if you leave pee stains all over the toilet seat in your gallant effort to “shoot straight”. But after she sits on that wet surprise, you might be in for it mister!

How about picking your nose when driving, or spitting out the window after pulling snot from deep, deep down your throat, I hope you don’t do that!

Do you grope or scratch your private parts in public or in her presence for that matter, stop it now!

How are your table manners; is the knife and fork working in unison a foreign concept? Does your lady constantly have that disgusted look on her face when you crack the left-over bones and go at the marrow. Yes some people (maybe not American) break open the bones.

I know you don’t stare — gawk at the other women when you think your lady is distracted in the mall, right?

She can’t change me, you say…..

Well fellas if you answer YES to any of these things, you’re easy target for the take-over guys. Good Luck :}




Hi I’m Mark Harvey I own a Romance Company…our purpose? mostly to tell love stories.🌴