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Kayla McKenna
Two Plus 3
Published in
1 min readJul 31, 2018

Where have I been?

Since last year we have listed our house, I took a new position at work, took 4 months to sell our house, lived with my mother in law, took forever to buy a new house, finally bought a new house, went to Brazil, and lost a family member.

We have been in a lot of chaos. I have tried to find my new normal with everything that has been going on and that has been hard. So what is that for me? Honestly, I am not really sure but I know that I will get there. That we will all get there as a family.

For now, I can promise you this. I am going to be working on getting me back on track and that starts with getting back to the things I love. Writing is the start of that. Even if it’s just for me and no one really reads this. It is my outlet and I need to make sure that I have that back in my life.

To come:

  • How the whole buying and selling our home was. (Including but not limited to the chaos and fun of living with the in-laws)
  • Traveling to Brazil
  • Balancing right and wrong with your kids
  • Screen time & social media
  • Home decorating
  • Life & loss.

Holding myself to it!!!

Originally published at Two Plus 3.

