Two Prime Announces SPiCE VC as New Finance Partner

Two Prime Insights
Two Prime Digital Asssets
4 min readFeb 14, 2020

Two Prime Announces SPiCE VC as New Finance Partner

Ahead of FF1’s listing on on February 25th, Two Prime is pleased to announce that global blockchain fund SPiCE VC will be joining NGC Ventures as part of the Two Prime Finance Partner Program.

“We are introducing a new breed of cryptocurrency with safeguard mechanisms that will bring real value to investors,” says Two Prime COO Alexander S. Blum. “It all starts by investing in the highest quality and most innovative crypto funds, projects, and cryptocurrencies in the blockchain space. As a highly-regarded global fund and a leader in the blockchain and tokenization space, SPiCE VC has seen the industry through its booms and busts. They’re pioneers of the tokenized fund, proving to investors first hand the disruptive potential of tokenization. We are excited to have SPiCE VC join us on this journey.”

Since the launch of the Partner Program on January 30th, Two Prime has received over one hundred applications from a cross-section of ambitious blockchain funds and projects. SPiCE VC stood out with its impressive portfolio and experienced management team. Their portfolio companies include major players in the blockchain and tokenization space such as Securitize, the leading digital securities issuance company, and Bakkt, a digital assets security exchange created by owners of the New York Stock Exchange.

On joining the Two Prime Partner Program, SPiCE VC Founder and Managing Partner Tal Elyashiv says: “SPiCE VC is thrilled to be part of Two Prime’s allocation portfolio. The team’s proven record of finance and technology innovation positions Two Prime for success. The Continuous Token Offering model is sure to further mature the cryptocurrency industry at a much needed time!”

“The crypto markets today are just a shadow of what we saw back in 2017 during the ICO boom, continues Blum. “Everywhere we go, investors tell us about the enormous potential of the crypto space but also their hesitation in entering the market due to crypto’s reputation. With the FF1 and the Continuous Token Offering, we are leveraging the rapid fund formation of the space and reigniting the excitement back into the crypto markets.”

The Two Prime core investment team continues to take applications for its Partner Program. Selected projects will be allocated funds in either USD of FF1, depending on preference. To find out more and to apply for the program, please visit:


About SPiCE VC

SPiCE is a Venture Capital fund providing its investors exposure to the massive growth of the Blockchain and tokenization ecosystem.

SPiCE invests in companies building the ecosystem, with winning products and services, and strong teams capable of executing on their vision and leading their domain. Companies who stand to benefit the most from the massive growth of the industry.

SPiCE, the first fully tokenized VC fund, is widely regarded as a pioneer and a leader in the space, supporting the rapid growth of this ecosystem with capital and expertise, focusing on early stage opportunities with great teams who have the vision and ability to change the world with the blockchain.


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