Time is not your friend.

The Two-way Mirror
Published in
1 min readApr 30, 2020

I wish I had met you earlier.

I wish I had met you at 22. Then I wouldn’t have to see him in your shoulders and your face.

I wish I had met you at 23. Then I wouldn’t hear his laugh in your laugh and your scrunched-up face.

I wish I had met you at 24. Then I wouldn’t have to see his skin in you.

I wish I had met you at 25. Then I wouldn’t have to see his personality in you.

I wish I had met you at 26, then I would have had 3 more years with you. Even then it wouldn’t have been enough.



The Two-way Mirror

Guild master of 언니가말할때끼어드는건어디서배웠니 on Hyjal-KR. Experiments with food. Vehemently bilingual. You can’t tell me what I can be offended about.