Quotation and analysis of Twogap white paper 2.0 — Term 2

Trieu Vo
4 min readOct 31, 2018


Crypto Market Status — trapped in medium scale traps

Have medium scale traps taken to the crypto investor, trader, exchange, foundation, company, to the entire Crypto Market?

Crypto Market is stuck in the middle scale trap

The phenomenon of gathering disrupters in the global financial market formed Crypto Market. The launch of this movement is Satoshi Nakamoto with Bitcoin and its famous blockchain system. The influence of Satoshi and Bitcoin on the financial and high-tech market is so strong that so many young and talented tech leaders such as Ethereum’s Vitalik Buterin, Litecoin’s Charlie Lee, Ripple’s Brad Garlinghouse, Jed McCaleb founder Ripple, Stellar, Winklevoss twins Gemini Exchange, Changpeng Zhao — CZ-COO of Binance. They have stood up to the thriving Cryptocurrency movement with unprecedented levels of inspiration. The size of the industry and Crypto Market grew so strong that it hit a milestone of approximately one trillion dollars in December 2017 and drew hundreds of millions of fans into the contributor, investor, and trader participation. industry into the market.

But it looks like after the peak of 2017, the first three quarters of 2018, the movement is experiencing obstacles and barriers that slow down the market and appear to be in the loop. Traps are called medium scale traps.

The evidence is that after the slump from December 2017 to April 2018, the total market size from 900 billion USD down to 300 billion then down further to 200 billion and continue to rise at a similar pace. with the Bitcoin, contract term is being operated by CME and CBOE. From April to October, the market size was always around $ 250 billion. So the average cage is encircling the entire crypto market. There have been major retreats and retreats, as evidenced by a decrease of 90% in Google search volume, compared to the peak of December 2017, which is similar to the decrease in Ethereum searches. 85%. Binance’s trading volume peaked at $ 10 billion a day in December 2017, down to $ 1.5 billion a day.

A scale of the Crypto Market 2017 and 2018

Why encrypted investors always face the risk of stalking?

Why are they losing money and even losing all their capital?

Those interested in the blockchain industry and the cryptographic market, who have watched the price fluctuations of Bitcoin or other Altcoins and who have invested in those currencies, were excited and excited about the profits. unexpectedly, or was even disappointed when the market fell sharply. They may have heard of FOMO syndrome and FUD has dominated their investment thinking. These psychics promote buying and selling from the masses of investors before they realize they want to do so, which can lead to unexpected results. ‘These are not just hypotheses or philosophical speculations, but we can now use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to predict people’s wants and decisions long before they recognize them.’ The researcher observes that the nervous activity in the brain can predict what the transferee will click on before actually doing so, and even The neurological events in the brain show that the person’s decision starts from a few hundred milliseconds to a few seconds before he or she realizes this choice. ‘- From Homo Deus — A Brief History Of Tomorrow.

Biochemical reactions and biological algorithms in the brain occur before consciousness begins

The whales of the crypto market took advantage of the delay of the biochemical reaction in the investor’s nervous system, with the crowd effect always exaggerated or panicked to dip them into the big trap of the pump. and Dump to gradually drain the money in their pockets. While the massacre of investors, the whales also simultaneously destroys the market, causing it to viciously trapped in the medium-scale trap, even a series of large-scale catastrophic shocks. It will eventually push Crypto Market to crash.

The statistics show that investors are running out of the market. Old accounts at leading exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, Houbi, etc, fell more than half The amount of newly registered accounts in Coinbase is currently 50,000 registered per day compared with 200,000 new accounts registered per day in December 2017. tissue activity or leave the market. The number of old investors left overwhelm the new entrants. Traditional investment funds have kept their status quo and their only move is to continue observing the market. Some reporters interviewed some fund managers at the time to join the crypto market, so all the answers were almost the same: ‘We are monitoring, analyzing, and we are more interested in blockchain technology. is Crypto Market. ‘

A number of governments have turned their backs on Crypto Market, such as China. Or use unorthodoxly as the Venezuelan government to circumvent US government sanctions. Every move on the market and the crypto industry draws the ill-fated, unshakable, unsustainable, always ambiguous legal and illegal boundaries.

Coping with past glories, half-confused about the future is spreading in the crypto community of developers and investors. Perhaps the game is now in the hands of some medium power such as CME, CBOE, Bitmain … etc. This is an example of organizations that find their little bit of interest by pulling out the gut of the almost-empty pocket of the remaining investors in the market. It can be said that Crypto Market is stuck in the middle scale trap, can it escape the vicious circle itself? Wait for further analysis in the next section …


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