Twogap — TGT Token Economics

Trieu Vo
3 min readDec 22, 2018


Serie 15 — Twogap white paper quote

General Principle.

  • Twogap Cross-Liquidity is the core protocol that creates the core of the Business Model
  • TGT Token participates in the Core Protocol and Business Model first.
  • Priority holders of TGT tokens are also the target users, contributing in priority to the Twogap Cross-Liquidity core protocol, Twogap platform, Twogap ecosystem
  • Incentive mechanism principle:
  • Administration, offering incentives, access to applications and contribute to the most widely used network token model of economics.
  • There is an assumption for most token models of economics based on: people act according to Incentive Mechanism. This is based on the theory of Incentive Mechanism.
  • Human behavioral theory suggests that behavior is motivated by an increased desire for incentives. In token economics, these incentives are Tokens and they are used to motivate network members to behave for the benefit of the network.
  • Upgrading the Incentive Mechanism’s increased difficulty in addressing the relationship between users and cases of using TGT tokens in a dynamic way with increasing difficulty over time and frequency of Twogap Cross-Liquidity core protocol and Twogap platform.
  • TGT’s circulating token must pass through the Core Protocol and Business Model, Platform, Ecosystem, reward principles described in the TGT Token Incentive Mechanism.

Cases which use TGT Token.

As there are many uses for tokens on the basis of it, the value will increase. Twogap Platform along with TGT fuel tokens circulating through the Cross-Liquidity core protocol is a solid example of this principle. The TGT Token has a variety of uses on the platform and in the core protocol as well as the Business Model of Twogap.

  • Token fees for traditional securities products, continued tokenization and tokenization (n times token) for the purpose of listing and trading floor.
  • Release Fee:
  • Guarantee fee:
  • Transaction fee:
  • Hold
  • To use for Cross-Liquidity Protocol for Listing — TGT token refers to the core protocol.
  • Used for Cross-Liquidity Protocol for Crypto-Fiat Exchange — TGT token joins the core protocol
  • Used for Cross-Liquidity Protocol for Crypto-Multil Crypto-Fiat Order Matching — TGT Tokens join Core Protocol

Subjects using TGT Token:

  • Investor, trader
  • Issuer
  • Underwriter
  • Relayer
  • Crypto Exchange needs to hold a TGT Token to actively activate the Cross-Liquidity protocol and pay a TGT Token.
  • The traditional stock exchange needs to hold a token of TGT token to actively activate the Cross-Liquidity protocol
  • TGT holder
  • Cross-Liquidity User
  • Cross-Liquidity Alliance Program member
  • Twogap reserve pool.
  • SEC — need to hold a TGT tokens to enable Cross-Liquidity tracking as a compliance monitor.

Incentive Mechanism of TGT token fuel.

The TGT’s auto-flowing token in the Core Protocol and the Incentive Mechanism underlying the Incentive Mechanism are designed to stimulate benefits by encouraging each Liquidity Pool Node (Exchange) to participate in the creation, operation, and opening. Wide system, which attracts all other objects.


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