A Sad Day For Love

Max Kenny
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2017

It is with a heavy heart that despite great efforts, we are turning off the servers powering TwoPeas. We were unable to raise the capital we needed to get the platform to the point at which it became self sufficient.

Everyone always says you’ve got to be a little crazy to try something new. Something that at first seems impossible. Insurmountable even.

Finding love is tough, though I still believe that we were on the right track and given a little more time we would have had a chance.

Entering a crowded space with a freemium model meant relying heavily on outside investment to get the platform to a point where it was offering enough value it’d be worth paying for. We came close, unfortunately not close enough.

We could have covered the app with ads, or asked for payment for premium services before they were ready but we always had a strong vision for the experience we wanted to offer and never compromised.

I’ve given TwoPeas my absolute all over the last two years and wouldn’t have been able to do it without the support of those closest to me, to whom I owe a great deal.

I’d also like to thank everyone that came along for the wild ride. We’ve had some great successes along the way, I’m sorry we couldn’t take things to the next level.

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” Vincent Van Gogh

This is not the end, it is simply a stepping stone onward and upward. Taking the learnings and experience from this adventure and using it to propel to the next.

