Online Dating Is Broken, This Is How We’re Fixing It

Max Kenny
Published in
8 min readApr 29, 2017

Technology is a beautiful thing. It’s changed the way we live our lives and it continues to evolve and entwine itself deeper into our lives every day. This is because it’s making things faster, simpler, more efficient and generally easier.

Now we see this applying to the search in finding a partner, something that has a track record of being particularly difficult with seemingly no clear formula or method to follow.

With the introduction of smart phones and apps, we now hold the power to spend minutes ‘putting ourselves out there’ more than we could have going out every night of the week. Though now we can do it while we’re sitting on the couch with a glass of wine watching Suits.

The problem is, if your looking for a meaningful relationship, many of the platforms we’re using are delivering the wrong kind of match.

Here is a breakdown of the main issues faced when online dating in this modern era:

1. Matching on looks alone

Platforms that provide an endless stream of profiles to swipe on have turned the search for a partner into a game of ‘Hot or Not’. While women tend to be quite considered with who they swipe yes on, most guys aren’t looking.
You can even build a bot that’ll swipe yes for you.

When a match is made, it isn’t guaranteed that both parties actually intended on indicating they were interested in each other leading to a lack of match engagement, ghosting or worse.

In the event that you find yourself on a date with someone through an aesthetically focused app, that’s all you have, appearance. Who knows what they’re like as a person, the odds are pretty slim they’re going to tick your boxes… Too much is left to chance.

TwoPeas Solution:

With us, you answer a series of questions about who you are and who you’re searching for. You weight each of the answers depending on what matters to you and our algorithm takes care of the rest.

2. Doing it for the ego boost

A recent study showed that 42% of people on Tinder weren’t single, 72% have never gone on a date and 44% are simply using the platform as a pocket sized ego stroke. Hey, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with an ego boost, but not if its at the expense of someone else.

This manifests into a majority of the billions of matches fading off into the digital ether with those serious about their journey left with false hopes that the person they’ve matched with is even remotely interested in seeing where the match goes. This is made worse if a conversation starts, further adding to the false hope.

TwoPeas Solution:

Because of how involved the process with us is, those looking for a quick ego stroke don’t tend to stick to platforms where they don’t have to think too hard.

3. Misaligned expectations

Apps based on swiping are easy. Quick to get started and effortless to use. This tends to attract those who are only willing to put in as little effort as possible to find someone.

If they’re looking for a casual relationship, they might find it. If they’re not, they’ll be one of the many drawn to these apps thinking they’ll have the greatest match potential, unknowingly setting themselves on a course for misaligned expectations.

If a conversation does happen to spark, unless you’re both DTF one of you might be in for a rude shock when the discovery is made that the likely intentions of your new match don’t go much further than the first night.

TwoPeas Solution:

The matching process on TwoPeas is a considered one. You have to really think about who it is you’re searching for whilst also considering how you would answer each of the questions.

4. Paying for access to everyone

Some apps monetise their platform by allowing users to pay for the right to message anyone they want. This can lead to batch blasts of ‘hey baby’ to anyone that pops up.

Not even providing the opportunity for both parties to indicate their interested in each other. Just a free for all with messages from anyone who feels like it.

TwoPeas Solution:

You’re only able to message someone after you’ve both indicated you’re interested in each other. No paying for the ability to talk to whoever you want.

5. Endless bad dates are time consuming

Going on endless dates with people who have swiped yes on you is time consuming, deflating and in some cases, expensive. When you’re going in blind, you rely on them not being a creepy freak, which is only sometimes the case.

If all you’ve got in common is the fact that you’ve both swiped right, there might not be a lot to talk about. Most will end up breaking one if not more of your deal breakers and it could take a number of dates to discover.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

TwoPeas Solution:

By matching with others based on both of your answers, you get rid of all your deal breakers from the outset. Increasing the chances you’ll be connecting with others who want what you want.

6. Aggressive & disrespectful messages

This one is baffling. When did it become ok to send someone aggressive or hateful messages? This isn’t the Wild West. No one should feel unsafe when using platforms like this. Other apps have a track record of throwing caution to the wind here with not caring about what happens between their users.

There are whole blogs dedicated to this with millions of followers. Whilst at times this can be amusing, that quickly fades when you realise these are coming from humans. Being harassed like this should not be a rite of passage, it’s disgusting. This is a big focus for us and something we take very seriously.

TwoPeas Solution:

The minute someone is reported, our support team will assess whether or not they can be helped, if not, bye Felipe. Their account will be deleted and they’ll be permanently banned from the platform.

7. Location based matches

Some apps match you based on crossing paths. It’s nice that you were in the same place, not sure that it’s going to mean there is great potential in them being the person you’re looking to build a relationship with.

Ultimately, it ends up being a twist on the aesthetically driven swipe-fest. Given that people you haven’t showed interest in can see where you crossed paths and when, we think it’s kind of creepy.

TwoPeas Solution:

We only use your location in the algorithm to provide matches within a set distance from you. No one can see where you are, simply how far away.

8. One sided algorithms

Algorithms play a massive part in maximising technologies ability to deliver quality matches. The problem with the algorithms in use by most of the players in the online dating space is that they are one sided. They take your answer and then tell you what it is they believe you want. Love is not one size fits all.

We believe that just because you like something doesn’t necessarily mean that you want the same in a partner. With our algorithm, you answer the question and then specify how you’d like your match to answer. This enables us to provide you exactly what it is you’re looking for, without guessing.

9. A failure to evolve

Platforms that were websites before apps tend to have a stigma about them. Most staying close to their original match methodology and failing to evolve as quickly as technology has around them.

Due to their rise when dating platforms were seen more as matchmaking services, they have pigeonholed themselves as the place to go when you’re a little later in your search, making it feel a little like this;

TwoPeas Solution:

We listen to our users feedback and are constantly evolving the platform to ensure that we are the best in the biz at finding you your other half. Got something you’d like added? Hit us up!

Not all is lost

All these points are the reason TwoPeas was created. Help has arrived. We’ve just made our 500,000th match and we’re only getting started.

We‘re not just a relationship app. We allow you to connect on a deeper level, no matter what kind of connection you’re looking for, serious or not.

If you want to cut through the noise and bypass the weirdos, take part in the digital dating revolution today!

Download TwoPeas for free or find out more on our website.

