Pro Tips On Successfully Engaging With Your Matches

Max Kenny
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2017

Ok guys. This article could simply be a list of what doesn’t work, but we wanted to go a step beyond that.

Send the first message

Sending the first message says a lot about you. It shows confidence, and confidence is always sexy.

Find something you find interesting about their profile and ask them about it

Make it genuine, show that you’re actually interested in something about them. They’ve obviously chosen to add it, so why not start there.

Bonus points for a little humour

If you’re able to make your new match laugh reading your message, it’s going to prompt a response much faster than a more generic question.

Compliment them, but not on their looks

Everyone likes to receive compliments, but when you make it about their appearance, it comes off as a little superficial and vein. Connect with them on something related to their personality. It’ll create more intrigue than, ‘do your legs end?’.

Don’t open with closed statements

‘Hi’, ‘Hey baby’ and even ‘How are you?’ are proven to kill a new connection in it’s tracks. It doesn’t show any personality or effort in your attempt to engage with them. The best response you could get to that is ‘good, you?’.

Don’t leave it too long

A new match is an exciting thing. It becomes a lot less exciting when both of you are waiting for each other to say something. If you’re keen, don’t wait for them to make the first move. Go on, just do it.

Don’t make it awkward

Don’t jump straight to when they want to get married, how you compare to their ex or if they put out on the first date.

Leave pickup lines at the door

Pretty self explanatory. They rarely work and it’s probably not worth ruining your chances.

No response? Don’t hound them

Sometimes people are busy at work, they could be away or they could just have a lot going on the day you sent the first message. Rest assured they received it and if they’re interested, they’ll respond.

If they don’t, please don’t bombard them with a series of:
‘Did you get my last message?’
‘If you don’t respond in an hour, I’m unmatching you!’
‘I think I love you’
‘F#%k off then!’

Sometimes, it’s just not meant to be and that’s ok. There are plenty more fish in the sea. Or, maybe they came back from being overseas, saw your first message and were into you, until they saw what followed.

It’s not classy, don’t do it. Just move on.

Work on building rapport

Remember, you are talking to someone you don’t know yet. You need to build a connection with them. This is something that will take effort and time from both of you. Don’t waste it with sending

Feeling it? Meet in person sooner rather than later

If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! I you’re feeling it, steer the conversation towards a real world encounter. Online dating is a means of forming the connection. It is not intended (or recommended) to keep a relationship in the digital world.

If you’re wanting to see where things go, meeting in person is always better then staying in the app. If you wait too long, they might think that you’re not that into them.

Want to put some of these to use? Join TwoPeas, it’s free!

