The Ultimate Guide To Getting The Most Out Of Your Dating Profile

Max Kenny
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2017

So you’ve signed up, answered the questions and are now wondering what else you can do to better your chances of engaging with your matches.

We’ve taken a look at the data and there are some clear things you can to put your profile to work for you.

As it should, your profile says a lot about who you are and what you stand for. Conveying an accurate depiction of your personality doesn’t have to be challenging. It all comes down to three aspects.


Images say 1,000 words. The most effective section of your profile at engaging potential matches is the pictures you add.

The more, the better

Accounts with more than 5 images receive the most messages, by far…

One image doesn’t say a lot about you or your commitment to the process of finding someone. If you’re not willing to add a few photos to start a conversation, how invested will you be once it starts?

Photos provide excellent talking points

Every photo should say something about you.Give your potential matches something to go off. It goes a long way and takes the pressure off you making the first move all the time.

Put your best foot forward

Potential matches will make a decision if they’re interested in you based on you main profile pic. If that doesn’t hook them, they won’t get to the ‘deal closer’ you have at the end.

Keep group photos to a minimum

Group photos are great to provide insight into what your circle of friends are like, but having just a group photo raises too many questions. Even a photo of two people can be misleading. How do they know which one you are? If you’re going to add a group shot, don’t make it your first.

🙅🏼 No mirror selfies

Profiles with mirror selfies actually receive less messages than the average. There are plenty of other ways to show off your sexy bod, just be classy about it.


This one is simple. Add something. It doesn’t need to be an essay, just please add something.

Profiles that have completed their bios are 9x more likely to engage with their matches.

Don’t pour your heart out. Don’t make it sleazy. Just shine some light on what you’re into. Be authentic.


This one isn’t necessarily profile related, but it plays a massive role in everything that happens behind the scenes to get to your matches in the first place.

Don’t rush, take your time and really think about each answer.

Many people know what they’re type looks like. Not many have taken the time to think about who they are.

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