10+ Things You Didn’t Know About Twos

Twos is a simple, all-in-one app to remember things on the go, but here are some things you may not know…

Parker Klein ✌️
4 min readJan 27, 2023


The homepage of https://www.TwosApp.com

Valuable information

1. Twos is an app AND a website

We designed Twos with the intention of making it accessible from anywhere — whether you’re on the go or at your computer.

With a Twos profile, all your lists and things sync across the app and www.TwosApp.com.

There is also a Chrome extension, Mac app, Windows app, and Linux app.

2. It is a simple system of lists and things.

Things are the building blocks that make using Twos so consistently effective.

Things are the individual pieces of information you capture in Twos.

Whatever your goal is — simple or complex — you can always start with a thing.

Things can then be organized into titled “lists.” Whether you’re jotting down groceries to buy or making a checklist to follow, they’re both simply a collection of things saved as a list.

3. Book a live demo with us

Want to learn how to get the most out of Twos?

We love helping new and existing users get set up and understand Twos.

Book a demo with TwosJoe today.

Cool features

4. To-dos are automatically carried over each day

We don’t always get everything done — and that’s okay! Twos will migrate yesterday’s leftover to-dos for you.

This process can be automated in the side menu -> Settings -> Preferences -> “Automatically carry over unfinished to-dos.”

5. Twos integrates with your calendar

You can integrate your calendar to see events, take notes, and create to-dos all in one place.

It has two-way sync so you can pull and push events to your calendar.

It integrates with Apple, Google, Outlook, and more.

Add calendars in the Twos app -> Side menu -> Settings -> Calendars.

6. Use artificial intelligence to set reminders

You can use your natural language like “Call Tom tomorrow at 5 pm” and Twos will automatically detect the date and set a reminder.

This is useful in many scenarios:

Tom’s birthday is December 10th -> sets a yearly reminder for “Tom’s birthday” on December 10th

Meditate daily at 7 am -> sets a reminder to meditate every day at 7 am

My parent’s anniversary is September 10th -> sets a yearly reminder for “My parent’s anniversary” on September 10th

7. Publish lists in Twos World ✌️🌎

Lists can be shared publicly within Twos.

Press the list actions button in the top right -> press Publish to share your list with Twos World.

I wrote about Twos World here.

8. Use Twos for outlines

Note-taking processes vary from person to person. When it comes to structuring your things, pressing the ‘space’ key will indent, and you can hit the ‘delete’ key to outdent.

9. Twos works offline

You never know when you’ll need to write something down, so having access to your notes at all times is essential.

Whether you’re on a flight or hiking through the woods, you can save those fleeting ideas and memories, and it will sync when you come back online.

10. Twos resurfaces your days, lists & things based on time

Things tend to be easily forgotten, but not with Twos.

“On this day”, a feature in Twos, helps resurface lists and things you wrote down in the past.

You can also search “surprise me” to remember a random list you’ve created and “time travel” to jump to a random day.

11. You can share lists and things with ease

Your things and lists are private by default, but your information is easily shareable whenever you’re ready.

You can share lists as a link, an image, text, and PDFs.

You can also collaborate on lists with other users.

With Twos, sharing information with others has never been easier.

Twos history

12. The first feature of Twos was pull down for Today

The quickest and easiest place to write things down is the daily list called Today.

Back before to-dos, reminders, completing, selecting, moving, etc., we had the ability to pull down at the top of any screen to load Today.

Speed to capture was always a top priority.

13. The name, Twos, stands for the two sides of the platform

The two sides of Twos are private and public.

Everything is private by default, but you can choose when to share lists and things with other people.

We use the peace sign as our Facebook “like” button to help spread peace.

14. We intend for Twos to be free forever

Our main goal is helping people remember things.

We think making this free and accessible to all helps everyone.

As long as we provide value, we find ways to monetize, like our in-app purchases for pro features.

We are excited to add a two-sided marketplace of information so you can sell and make money off of the valuable information you write down.

15. The idea was invented at a Padres game

In 2015, I was at a San Diego Padres game with my dad.

I was looking out into the outfield and thought of a notepad where next to each thing you wrote down privately there’d be a toggle to share it publicly.

That was the start of a private first network to remember & share things.

#SharedFromTwos ✌️



Parker Klein ✌️

Former @Google @Qualcomm @PizzaNova. Building Twos: write, remember & share *things* (www.TwosApp.com?code=baller)