Happiness is all in your mind
A TEDx Talk by Gen Kelsang Nyema
Are you having a good day?
Why are you having a good day or a bad day?
Tomorrow, would you rather have a good day or a bad day?
We all want to have a good day.
Much of the time our mind is like a balloon in the wind blown around by external circumstances.
When things are going well we are happy, but when things don’t go our way, our happiness disappears.
If the reasons of why we had a good day or a bad day are a list of external conditions, we will not have the stable happiness that we all want.
We cannot control people and circumstances every single day.
If you wish to have a good day every day, 1. stop outsourcing our happiness on people and circumstances 2. actively cultivate a sense of peace and happiness coming from inside our own mind.
Happiness and unhappiness are states of mind, and therefore, their real causes cannot be found outside the mind.
It is not what is happening that is making us happy or unhappy, it is how we are responding to those things that determines if we are happy or unhappy.
Meditation is concentrating on a peaceful, positive state of mind.
When you meditate, imagine when you are breathing out you are breathing out stress, agitation, frustration, and unhappiness and when you breath in, you image and believe you are breathing in a clear, bright light that is the very nature of inner peace.
Bring the inner peace with you throughout your day to benefit others.
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