I wrote for 1,500 days straight. Here’s my secret
How I’ve written every day for over 4 years
I’ve written every day for the past 1,500 days. That’s over 4 years.
Here’s why I write, how I started, and how I am so consistent.
I hope it inspired you to write more, spend more time reflecting, and remember and share more of your life.
Why should we write things down?
There are many benefits to writing things down. Improved memory, greater self-awareness, better mood, accomplishing more of your goals, and much more.
There is something very therapeutic and enjoyable about writing.
We have so many tools. Notebooks, journals, Apple Notes, Google Docs, and text editors give us many options for writing things down.
What we are really looking for is a simple and fast way to write. We want to make it easy to develop the habit and get more of the benefits.
My history of writing
I seriously started writing things down my freshman year in college in 2012.
I was struggling with depression at the time. I found a lot of comfort in dumping my thoughts and feelings into a Google Doc.
I wrote in this Google Doc for hundreds of pages and eventually, it became too slow to use daily.
A few years later, I had a manager at work tell me to start writing down my tasks and accomplishments at work. He said it would help me remember my experience for future job interviews.
That summer, I came up with an idea for a private-first social platform (now known as Twos). Twos would allow me to capture and write more every day and share some of the things I wrote down.
This was over 8 years ago. Since then, I’ve written consistently and experienced many of the benefits people share from writing.
How I am so consistent
The reason I am so consistent with writing and capturing my thoughts and experiences is an app. I’ve been building it for the past 8 years called Twos.
Twos is a free, quick, simple, and all-in-one tool to writing down anything.
It’s fast and easy so you can develop the habit and capture important things before you forget them.
All you need is a little mindfulness and the willingness to write. Now, you can process and remember more of your life in the future.
How it makes my life better
Twos is the most important app in my life.
Twos helps me plan, remember important events and things I need to do, and release strong emotions. Nothing else plays as significant role in my daily life as Twos does.
One of my favorite parts of using Twos is the ability to revisit past entries and information I’ve captured.
We have so much information and content coming at us, that it’s hard to remember what is important. We rarely take the time to tune into ourselves and what we care about.
Writing and having an app that is focused on privacy and reflection helps me listen to myself. I also remember the things that are important and meaningful in my life.
How you can get started
Using Twos is easy.
You can use Twos at www.TwosApp.com or search Twos in any app store.
The platform itself is very straightforward. You get a daily list every day to write down things. You can create lists to organize related things that are easy to find and share.
That’s really it. Take a moment to write, take a moment to plan, and you’ll be amazed at how much more organized, present, and thoughtful you become.
Happy Twosday
Write, remember & share w/ Twos: https://www.TwosApp.com?code=baller
Personal website: https://www.parkerklein.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twosballer/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TwosBaller
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/parkeraklein
Medium: https://parkerklein.medium.com/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@twosballer