Organize Your Life with Twos

Parker Klein ✌️
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2023



We write every day. Whether you’re texting, scribbling on a Post-it note, typing up an email, journaling in a notebook, or jotting down tasks and thoughts in Apple Notes or Notion.

So many places we write things down

We write to communicate, to express ourselves, and to remember.

We have random thoughts and ideas, tasks for work, new people’s names, and important dates and information for the people we care about.

Each moment presents us with new information to remember and keep track of.

When it comes to keeping track of our thoughts and tasks, the current writing solutions are either too simple leaving us spreading our information across five different apps, or they are too complicated taking too long to set up and not empowering us to write things down.

That’s why we’re building Twos: a system to be a better you by simply writing things down.

What’s Twos?

Twos is a notes app, task manager, reminder app, calendar, and journal in one free and simple system.

Twos: the best place to write *things* down

It allows you to quickly jot down small things on the go or write long-form on your computer. You can easily set a reminder about an upcoming deadline or lunch, and just as easily push it to your calendar to reference later across any of your devices; you’ll never forget another task you need to do at work.

The closest system to Twos is a bullet journal for quick capture in an organized system, but a journal has to be carried around to be useful, and it takes longer to search for important things we’ve written down.

We’re building Twos to be a free and accessible way to organize everything going on in your life.

How does Twos help organize your life?

Twos is a simple system of days, lists, and things.

A lot at my day yesterday with some completed *things* and random thoughts

Every piece of information you write in Twos starts out as a thing — whether that’s a note, thought, task, reminder, event, and more.

You write these things on days and lists so they are organized automatically.

We’ve all used lists before for tasks, grocery items, or checklists, and a day is a list for each day of your life. You can also think of a day as a blank page in your journal.

Days are a fresh place to write and remember everyday things. Because there is a specific date associated with your Days, Twos can help you resurface important information over time, too.

Using this simple system as a foundation, Twos is able to implement intuitive and useful features that build you an organized, all-in-one space to think, work, and create.

My affirmations list I read every day

How do I get started?

You can start using Twos today to always have a quick place to write things down to organize and remember your life.

Visit to use Twos on any device.

All you need to do is start writing things down to be more thoughtful, memorable, calm, and, most importantly, a better you.

Happy Twosday.

#SharedFromTwos ✌️

Use code “BALLER”



Parker Klein ✌️

Former @Google @Qualcomm @PizzaNova. Building Twos: write, remember & share *things* (