Write It Down, Make It Happen by Henriette Klauser

Knowing what you want — and getting it

Parker Klein ✌️
5 min readMar 22, 2023



If you know what you want, you can have it.

Setting your intent, focusing on the outcome, being clear about what you want in life can make your dreams come true.

The first step is to write down your goal.

Write first, then polish your words, rather than doing both at the same time.

The only rule is date whatever you write down.

Good things happen and life is a narrative you have a hand in writing.

Chapter 1: Write it down, make it happen

Compose your own list of goals.

“One of the saddest lines in the world is ‘oh, come now, be realistic’” — Richard Bolles

Money is no object, and time is not a factor.

Chapter 2: Knowing what you want

“Your playing small does not serve the world, who are you not to be great?” — Nelson Mandela

Chapter 3: Gathering ideas

Gather your ideas immediately as they come to you.

Having a place to record your impressions keeps all of your senses alert.

“It’s not a question of getting the opportunities. It’s a question it noticing that opportunities are there.” — John Sexton

Leadership depends on spelling out for others the opportunities that are there, and on asking the questions.

The job of the leader is to force the community to ask the right questions.

Compliments are like money in the bank. They both give you a sense of security and they build up your nest egg you can draw upon in times of need.

Chapter 4: Getting Ready to Receive

“There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it.” — Napoleon Hill

“No one is ready for a thing until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be belief, no mere hope or wish.” — Napoleon Hill

If you know what you want you can have it.

Chapter 5: Addressing Fears and Feelings

At any point in your life, you can decide to act one way in spite of feeling urging you to go in the other direction.

Chapter 6: Getting unstuck: writing through the resolution

Keep on writing. The best stuff, the aha, is often right past where you think you have run out of ideas or solutions.

Chapter 7: Doing it easy: listing

A short and simple list of items, as specific as possible, will clarify your intentions as surely as an elaborate description.

Chapter 8: Focusing on the outcome

We need to have faith that we will reach our goals; to bolster faith when it flags, write it down as a reality.

Don’t just write about what you want. Write about why you want it.

The more you concentrate on the effects your goal will have, in your life and in the world, the more dedicated you can be in your mission to achieve it.

Chapter 9: Changing your environment: get near water to write

Chapter 10: Scripting your daily life

I write out how I want to approach my life that day.

I monitor and observe my thoughts, directing them whenever possible.

I talk less and listen more now, allowing my actions to speak louder than words.

I treat every person I meet as the most important person in the world.

I feel the power of the universe flowing through me now. People love to give me love and money.

Every dollar I spend enriched the universe and returns to me multiplied.

Guilt is in the past.

Having the intention makes things more likely to happen.

Chapter 11: Becoming committed

The first step of commitment is to be willing to write down what you want.

“Leap, and the net will appear.” — Julia Cameron

Chapter 12: Stacking goals: raising the bar

What does the computer think you asked it to do?

Chapter 13: Starting a group: what by when

What will you do by when?

These things take time.

Chapter 14: Taking the initiative

You can’t have what you want until you know what it is.

Chapter 15: Writing Letters to God

Chapter 16: Resistance has meaning

What is it about you that resists taking this next step?

Chapter 17: Creating a Ritual

What do you want in and out of your life?

It’s not the particulars, it’s the motive that matters.

Chapter 18: Letting go, creating balance

The Native-American tradition included not only asking for what you want of life, but also relinquishing what you do not want, what you are ready to give up.

Becoming a master means willingness to let go of whatever isn’t working in your life. Letting go of the familiar is hard.

Sometimes the thing we need to let go of is the very thing we want.

Chapter 19: Give thanks

If you have a dream, follow it. If you catch a dream, nurture it. If your dream comes true, celebrate.

Why should God give you more if you are not grateful for what you have?

Make the world a more pleasant place one thank you note at a time.

When you remember to say thanks, when you live your life in a spirit of gratefulness, life will present you with even more things for which to be grateful.

Chapter 20: Handling breakdown

I guess I need a little more patience.

“One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat.” — Napoleon Hill

Chaos often comes close to completion.

All you need to do is keep on walking — and keep on writing it down to make it happen.

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Parker Klein ✌️

Former @Google @Qualcomm @PizzaNova. Building Twos: write, remember & share *things* (www.TwosApp.com?code=baller)