How To Become A Popular Writer On Medium

Or Anywhere Else, Actually

Michael Shook


Awesome image courtesy of StartupStockPhotos via Pixabay

The entire internet runs on words.

And the world needs yours. For as many words as there online right now, the way many of them are strung together leaves a person feeling unsatisfied after reading them.

We need good writing more than ever; not just on Medium, but everywhere.

We’ve gotten used to the word “content” instead of “writing” and there is some loss there. Not that you can’t be moved by great written content online, I certainly have been. But it just seems sad that we need another word for writing.

Here are three things you can do to become a popular writer. These have always worked; they work now and will continue to work into the future.

1. To be a popular writer, you must write.

You can’t read about writing (instead of writing), watch videos about writing (instead of writing), listen to podcasts about writing (instead of writing), take classes about classic literature (instead of writing) or argue about what word processing software to use (instead of writing). To be a writer, you must write.

If you have a hard time getting your ideas out of your mind, try this. Buy a pad of post it notes…

