Twyla’s Got a New Chat Widget

Paul Gibbins
Twyla AI
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2019

Web is still the de facto destination for live chat interactions between a brand and its customers. At Twyla we’re continually evolving our out-of-the-box chat widget so that our customers can get the most out of their TwylaBots for their customers.

We spent some time collating feedback from customers and researching the usability of chat windows to inform the design of our most recent version of the widget. Here are its feature highlights:

Dark mode.

A light-mode and dark-mode version of the same chat widget displayd side-by-side.

Sometimes a lightly-coloured chat window will scream at users of a dark-themed website. Or maybe you just want something that looks a little more sophisiticated on your web page.

Depending on your tastes, we’ve given you the ability to choose between light and dark.

Bigger. But not too big.

A web page displaying the chat widget in the bottom-right corner.

It’s important to find the right balance between the real-estate inside of the chat window itself and the web page sitting behind it. Ideally you want the chat to compliment the browsing.

The new widget consumes more vertical page with less horizontal space and scales down along with the height of the viewport. The greater height strikes a good balance to allow for buttons and other templates or media to be displayed without dominating the user’s view.

Fully mobile responsive and configurable native disguising.

And iPhone displaying an example of the chat widget fully expanded to fill the whole browser viewport.

When using the widget on a mobile website it should be obvious that we built it to fill the full window. In this way it can behave like any of your conventional messaging apps.

But it also has the option to disable the close icon in the top right, if it’s being used on a mobile device. This means that an app developer who wants to embed the widget into a native in-app browser can have control over the closing of the widget itself, to make it effectively feel like it’s part of the app.

Much configuration out of the box.

Twyla Canvas configuration screen displaying options for configuring the web widget.

Separate avatar and trigger images.

The new widget allows you to have a separate avatar and trigger image, meaning your call-to-action when the widget is minimised does not have to be the same image as the bot’s avatar itself. Some prefer to personify their bots with avatars, but it’s crucial that the call-to-action for the widget is clear.

Additional info in the widget header.

You may want to display more information about the bot inside of the widget ‘furniture’ and now you can choose to have just the bot name displayed, or a primary or secondary text field as well.

Optional privacy policy link.

Must-have for Europe. Provide your users with a configurable link to display in the footer of the widget, to make sure they understand how you’re using their data.

A brand new configurator page in Twyla Canvas.

All the aforementioned options, gathered together in a nice config page with previews to ensure it’s looking sharp before you embed it into your web page.

Widget Core for next-level configuration.

For businesses looking to get that extra level of personalisation from the widget, our Widget Core solution allows for additional customisation of how the widget behaves but also enables the secure transfer of data from an authenticated website session into the bot’s session memory, meaning your chatbot can address the customer personally from the start of the conversation as well as using other available data to provide a truly personalised conversational experience.

Get in touch via for a demo.

