How to be successful in a Build Team

Saagar Pateder
Texas Convergent
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2019

You get out what you put in

As with jobs, relationships, or an education, you’ll get out of a build team what you put in. Of course, everyone’s goals with joining a build team are slightly different. It’s up to you to define what exactly you want to do over the course of the semester — do you want to learn a new language? Strengthen your skills in a field you’re already familiar with? Do you want to switch over to the technical/business side of the team? After you decide you want to do, make a plan for how you’ll accomplish that — and put in the effort required.

Get to know people

Some people are incredibly social, while others are more introverted. Being in a new environment surrounded by people you’ve met for the first time can definitely be discomforting! No matter what, don’t forget that you’re on a team with other people who are also interested in building something cool. We want Convergent’s build teams to feel like a family, so get to know your fellow team members and leads well — these are the people you’ll be brainstorming, building, and being with for the rest of the semester.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Asking questions doesn’t make you look bad; it’s a sign that you care about what you’re doing and interested in learning more. Feel free to ask your fellow build team members about what work they’ve done, and if you’re getting stuck on something, feel free to ask your leads — they’re there to help! Whether you need someone to bounce ideas off of, tips on how to do a presentation, or help understanding a new concept, you can turn to your leads whenever roadblocks pop up. Convergent is also larger than just your build team, so feel free to reach out to any officers with other questions you may have.

