
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2021

MoonHeads are little beings with heads and dreams as large as the moon, with hopes of some day getting there.

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TxStreet Characters are now MoonHeads

We have had plans to add utility to our NFTs for a long time, not only for within TxStreet, but for branching out into other projects too. For these NFTs to be independent, it didn’t make sense to keep calling them “TxStreet Characters”, so a change was needed. Introducing MoonHeads!

MoonHeads will be released in quarterly sets, and we are kicking off the launch with the most limited set ever. Space 2021. The MoonHeads in this early set will have some very favorable traits, including a high Chattiness value, which you learn how to use below.

For those that bought the Holiday set in 2020, your NFTs are now MoonHeads!

New Characters

Moon Boy: To The Moon

Price: 0.42 ETH | Supply: 10 | Speed: 80 | Chattiness: 90

Alien: A Big Brain E.T.

Price: 0.4 ETH | Supply: 15 | Speed: 90 | Chattiness: 40 | Magic: 40

Man in Black: A Flashy Secret Agent

Price: 0.35 ETH | Supply: 20 | Speed: 30 | Chattiness: 60 | Magic: 50

These NFTs will individually go on sale on OpenSea in the next week, so keep an eye out.


MoonHeads currently have a maximum of 3 traits. More may be added in the future and be retrofitted to older MoonHeads before the migration to layer 2 when the NFTs become immutable. The existing traits will never be changed.


Chattiness represents your MoonHead’s ability to speak and be heard. This trait can currently be used to reserve free ads on TxStreet. Other planned uses include chat frequency inside game lobbies.

Speed & Magic

Speed and Magic have planned uses in upcoming competitive games with monetary prizes.

Reserve Ads

The biggest benefit of holding a MoonHead right now is the ability to reserve free ads every x days. Your ad can include up to 25 characters and a link! The first area to reserve an ad is the Ethereum sign on TxStreet. Here are the rules:

  • Ads will stay visible for at least 1 hour. Ads will stay visible past 1 hour until another ad replaces it or for a maximum of 5 hours.
  • If you transfer your MoonHead NFT to a different address, the most recent ad reserved with that MoonHead will be removed. (This means any newly bought MoonHead from the secondary market will be able to reserve an ad instantly)
  • Ads are subject to removal if deemed inappropriate. (NSFW, scams etc)
  • *x = 365 / ([MoonHead Chattiness Trait] — [MoonHead Months Old]). Max value for x is 365 and x is rounded down to days. This makes the x range for all MoonHeads 3 days — 1 year.

Want to promote your favorite defi service with an affiliate link? Now you can do that and earn money with your MoonHead. Use this page to reserve your ads.


1 of each of the new MoonHeads will be given away to a few very lucky winners. Stay tuned to our Twitter account for upcoming details.

Also join our Telegram and our brand new Discord to chat.

MoonHeads v0

The MoonHeads contract is currently deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet. In the future, MoonHeads will be migrated to a layer 2 protocol such as Polygon or Optimism. After that migration, all files will be stored on IPFS and Arweave.
If you are a solidity developer and wish to join our team, please contact us.

