The Health Benefits of the Persimmons Plant

Ty Ty Nursery
Ty Ty Nursery
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2019

Initially native to China, persimmon trees have been cultivated across the United States for their unique oiled wood. A fruit bearing tree, persimmons are also known for their sweet, nectar-like flavor.

Persimmons can be eaten crisp, dried or cooked and are ordinarily used across the globe in jams, drinks, pies, curries, and puddings. Ty Ty Nursery provides a comprehensive list of benefits and explains how individuals can easily incorporate the plant into their diet.

Benefits of the Persimmons Plant

Persimmons contain a significant amount of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps the body resist infections. One serving of persimmons contain over half the recommended intake of vitamin A — a fat soluble vitamin responsible for vision and immune function.

Brilliant Source of Powerful Antioxidants

Persimmons contain valuable antioxidants with cancer prevention that help avert or moderate cell harm by neutralizing oxidative pressure — a procedure activated by unsteady particles called free radicals. Oxidative pressure has been connected to certain constant sicknesses, including coronary illness, diabetes, malignancy and neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

May Help Reduce Inflammation

Conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity all cause chronic inflammation. Fortunately, picking foods that are high in anti-inflammatory agents such as persimmons can help diminish aggravation and lower the risk of disease.

Rich in Fiber

Persimmons are an excellent source of fiber, which helps keep the body’s digestive system well-regulated. According to Ty Ty Nursery the persimmons plant is low in calories and fats, making it an ideal fruit for those looking to lose weight. Recent studies have also shown persimmon fruits to help lower LDL cholesterol levels.

Bolster Healthy Vision

Persimmons provide a significant number of nutrients and cell reinforcements that are necessary for the health of your eyes. Persimmons contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoid cancer prevention agents that help improve your vision.

Easy to Add to Your Diet

Persimmons can be added to a variety of dishes to give an additional increase in nourishment. Here are some ways to add persimmons to your diet, according to Ty Ty Nursery:

⦁ Cut persimmons onto a serving of mixed greens for a tasty addition.

⦁ Top your morning yogurt or cereal with fresh or cooked persimmon for natural sweetness.

⦁ Blend dried or crisp persimmon into biscuit, bread, or cake blend.

⦁ Blend with berries and citrus fruits for a deliciously sweet snack.

⦁ Heat persimmons with chicken or meat for an exceptionally flavorful blend.

The Bottom Line

Persimmons are sweet, flexible natural products loaded with nutrients, minerals, and fiber.

With all of the advantages that persimmons bring to the table, adding this delicious plant to your diet is a no-brainer, according to Ty Ty Nursery.



Ty Ty Nursery
Ty Ty Nursery

Ty Ty Nursery is your source for all trees, plants, bushes, flowers, fertilizer, and everything in between in Ty Ty, Georgia.