Ty Ty Nurseries on How to Care for a Pecan Tree

Ty Ty Nursery
Ty Ty Nursery
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019

The pecan tree is native to southern locations of the United States and has a long growing season. Pecan trees come in various sizes and can reach heights of 150 feet with wide canopies that spread out, making them impossible to grow in a relatively small area. Ty Ty Nursery, based out of Georgia, claims that individuals cultivate pecan trees for their distinct nuts; however, it does not take an experienced grower to harvest this type of tree. Below, Ty Ty Nursery outlines the process of caring for a pecan tree if you are considering planting one at home in your backyard.

Choosing the Perfect Location & Preparation

  • The pecan tree usually grows a very long taproot; however, it is highly susceptible to disease when the soil condition is soggy. This means that the soil that you choose to plant in needs to well-drained, and ideally one that drains easily to a depth of 5 feet.
  • Ty Ty Nursery recommends pecan trees be spaced at least 60 to 80 feet apart and be planted away from buildings or electric power lines. Individuals can check the Ty Ty Nursery website for a detailed concept of pecan tree cultivation.
  • Ensure the tree is pruned before planting, this step will simplify the caring process over time. Do this by cutting off the top part of the tree and also trimming the side branches as this will allow a strong root system to develop.
  • Ty Ty Nursey claims that individuals looking to grow pecan trees can easily purchase seedlings online. If the seedlings come looking as though the roots are dry and feel brittle, simply soak them in a bucket full of water before transplanting.

Caring for the Pecan Tree

  • Always regularly water for your newly planted pecan tree, especially if there is little rain in the first two to three years after planting.
  • When watering the pecan tree, it is best to do it gently so that the water percolates in the ground. If you notice that the water starts to run off the surface, stop watering.
  • Be sure to apply fertilizer in the spring of the year that follows the year the tree was planted. For more details on the amount of fertilizer to apply and how best to apply please check Ty Ty Nursery website.

In mature pecan trees, the soil moisture is very important for the overall growth and the maturity of nuts, so it is important also to keep them watered. It is also great to mulch the roots of the mature trees to help slow down evaporation during the summer season.

  • Always ensure that you prune the plant to reduce excessive growth of the branches in the garden.

Planting a pecan tree is simple, but requires just the right amount of care, for more information on how to plant your tree visit https://www.tytyga.com.



Ty Ty Nursery
Ty Ty Nursery

Ty Ty Nursery is your source for all trees, plants, bushes, flowers, fertilizer, and everything in between in Ty Ty, Georgia.